Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maamulka Dekeda Berbera Waxa uu Beeninayaa war kusoo baxay warbaahinta dalka

Eng.Cali Cumar Maxamed, Maareeyaha Guud Dekedda Berbera
Maamulka Dekeda Berbera Waxa uu Beeninayaa war kusoo baxay warbaahinta dalka oo ku saabsanaa Dekeda Berbera in la isku badelayo Madaxda Waaxyaheeda ama ku cusub la magacaabayo Taas oo ay qoreen wargeysyada dalka qaarkood 16 feb. 2013 waxaanu cadeynaynaa inaanay jirin wax isku shaandheyn iyo isku bedel ah oo qorsheysani inaanu jirin warkaasina yahay mid been abuur ah oo aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn.

Waxaanu kaloo cadeynaynaa inaanay waxba ka jirin in madaxda sare ee qaranku wax farogelin ah ku leeyihiin hawlaha shaqaalaha ee dekeda Berbera masuuliyadeedana Maamulka Dekedu leeyahay.

Waxaanu usoo jeedinaynaa Warbaahinta madaxa banan inay iska hubiyaan waxa ay qorayaan masuuliyiinta ay waxka qorayaana ay siiyaan xaqa ay u leeyihiin in wax laga weydiiyo waxa laga qorayo bulshadana aan loo gudbin war xaqiiqda ka fog oo been abuur ah.


Eng.Cali Cumar Maxamed
Maareeyaha Guud Dekedda Berbera

Madaxwayne Ku Xigeenka Somaliland Oo Ku Dhawaaqay Inuu U Tartamayo Guddoomiye Ku Xigeenka Koowaad Ee Kulmiye

Hargeysa (Ramaas) Febr 18,2013 – Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Somaliland Md Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici), ayaa caawa ku dhawaaqay inuu u tartamayo Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee xisbiga Kulmiye, kaasi oo ololihii shirwaynihiisu bilaabmay.

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Somaliland Md Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici)
Cabdiraxmaan Saylici, oo Caawa Warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu u sharaxan yahay Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Kulmiye, oo uu hadda hayo Mujaahid Maxamed Kaahin Axmed oo shalay caddeeyay inuu u tartamaya Guddoomiyaha xisbiga iyo Musharax Madaxwaynaha.

Madaxwayne ku xigeenku waxa uu sheegay in si kasta oo xaalada xisbigu tahay, haddana isagu uu u taagan yahay Musharaxa Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Kulmiye, inkasta oo uu sheegay inaanu sheegi Karin wakhtiga shirwaynuhu dhacayo.

Xilka uu sheegay in Madaxwayne ku xigeenku u tartamayo ayaa waxa maanta isugu sheegay inuu u tartamayo Cabdikariin Xinif oo ah Agaasime Waaxeedka Maamulka ee Komiishanka la dagaalanka Aydhiska.

Dhawaaqa Cabdiraxmaan Sayliici, ayaa loolanka Kulmiye ee hogaanka xisbiga sii adkaynaya, maadaama oo ay hore hogaanka ugu tartamayeen siyaasiyiin door ahi.

Monday, February 18, 2013

SAXAAFADA SOMALILAND: Maqaalada La Soo Qoro Iyo Waajibka Saxaafadeed

Maxamud Caydiid Lafcanbe
Qalinkii Maxamud Caydiid Lafcambe

Wararka iyo dhacdooyinka saxaafadda reer Somaliland iyo dadka u badan baryahan dambe ee wax kaga soo qora warbaahinta ra`yiga akhristayaasha ayaa noqday mid ka baxday xuduudkii wax qoridda dadweynaha iyo mid ka fog dhaqankii iyo anshixii saxaafadeedba. Saxaafadda waajib iyo mus`uuliyad aad u baaxad wayn baa ka saaran qoraalada ay ku soo daabacayaan war baahintooda. 

Muwaadinniintana waajib muqadas ah ayaa ka saaran qoraaladay soo qorayaan ee war baahinta u soo daabacayso. 

Xoryadda daabacaadda qoraalada iyo xoriyadda odhaahduba waa tiir ka mid ah tiirarka dimuqraadiyadeeenna kuwa ugu muhiimsan.

In Xukuumad iyo mucaaradba  la is dhaliilaa waa mid ka mid ah  hannaanka dimuqraadiyadeed ee aynu qaadanay waxaa se qaldan in la duwo lana khal khaliyo majiiraha qoraalada ku dambaynaya saxaafadda.

Waxaa qaldan in xoriyatal qawlkii laga dhigto briij loo maro in aflagaaddooyinka war baahinta la isu mariyo, waxaa kale oo ila qaldan war is waydaarinta iyo war aan jirin abuurka la sameeyay in umadda lagu jaha wareeriyo.

Waxaa dhacda inta badan wararkii oo lagu duwayo siday ahaayeen ama uba dhaceenba bal se loo duwayo si qarad iyo ujeeddo kale ka dambayso. Waxaad arkaysaa websiyadii oo wararkii iyo dhacdooyinkii si kala duwan oo kala fog kuna salaysan ra`yi shakhsi oo ah ka wariyayaha loo soo daabacayo.

Doorka dabiiciga ah ee saxaafadu ku leedahay nolasha hawl maalmeedka ah ee qarananimadeenna waxaa waajib ku ah inay iska ilaaliyaan qoraalada dhaawacaya qarannimadeenna isla mar ahaantaasna iska hor keeni kara bulshadeenna.  Waxaa run ah in war tusaale ahaan ay qortay mid ka mid ah warbaahinta kala duwani uu abuuri karo kicin ,shaqaaqo iyo dhibaato wax yeeli kara qaranimada iyo xasiloonideenna aynu mudada dheer u soo dhabar adaygnay. 

Waxaa baryahan dambe saxaafadda ku soo baxa in la isugu jawaabo maqaalo beelaysan oo shar ah kana fog khayrka iyo walaaltinimada. Waxaa caado iska noqotay in maqaaladaas beelaysan aan la isugu aabbo yeelin laguna kala xishoon, oo kicin iyo dab hurinba lagu soo qoro.

Waxaa dhacda oo war baahinta ku soo baxa  in aad arkayso mararka qaarkood maqaalo dhaqanka ka baxsan oo rag  soo qoreen oo  qof dumara ama siyaasiyad ha noqoto ama yaanay noqon, ahna bir ma gaydo caar ah, hooyo ah, habaryar iyo eddo ah, sodoh ah ama walaal ah lagu weerarayo si xishmad darro ah. Wax isla dhinaca kale aad ka arkaysaa maqaal qof dumari  iyaduna soo qortay oo ka baxsan isna dhaqankeenna oo ay ku aflagaadoonayso nin ka da`wayn iyo mid aanay hore u sawirinba.

Mid waxaan u soo jeedinayaa saxaafadda reer Somaliland oo ah halbawle ka mid ah dhismaha qaranka, inay ku dadaalaan ilaalinta wajibka ka saaran qarankooda iyo mihnadooda saxaafadeedba umaddana u soo bandhigaan wararka iyo dhacdooyinka xaq`iqa ah ee ka fog mala awaalka, boqolkiiba boqolna cadayntiisii ay hayaan.

Waxaan saxaafadda u soo jeedinayaa inay gartaan masùuliyadda ka saaran qarannimada umaddana ka ilaaliyaan wararka aan cilmiyaysnayn ee suuqdiga ah isku dhacana abuuri kara. Saxaafadda waxaan u soo jeedinayaa inay warbaahinta ka ilaaliyaan wararka iyo maqaalada wax yeelada u leh qaranimada iyo mihnadoodoodii saxaafadeed ama nacayb iyo karaahiyo ku jirto.

Waxaa saxaafadda waajib ku ah inay saxaafadda ka ilaashadaan dadka eryada aflagaadaysan isugu jawaaba saxaafadda dhexdeeda. Saxaafadda waxaa waajib ka saaran yahay oo looga fadhiyaa maalin kasta war  iyo dhacdo xaqiiq ah, war xaqiidadiisu ay sal leedahay oo meel loogu hagaago la yaqaan , war aan loo adeegsan hunguri, war aan loo adeegsan nin jeclaysi iyo nin nacbaysi midnaba.  Halna waxaan u soo jeedinaya dadka qoraalada iyo aaraadaba ku soo biiriya warbaahinta kala duwan ee kala ah websiteska, jaraa ìdkii dalka iyo tiifiiyadaba inay iyaguna waajibkooda iyo mas ùuliyadoodaba ilaaliyaan. In Umadda ay isu jiidaan oo ay erayo latifan iyo dhaliilba is raacin karaan, wixii ra`yi ay ku biirinayaanna war baahintina ka daayaan colaad abuurka, kala fogaynta iyo aflagaadooyinkaba, inaanay isu muuqan, la isuna dul qaato war baahintana laga daayo wararka iyo maqaalada beelaysan iyo isu jawaabista dadka qaarkood kicin kara.

Waxaan taageersanahay Xoriyatal qawlka iyo xoriyadda qoraalka ee ku socota majiirihii, dariiqii iyo hannaankii ay lahayd, waxaan taageersanahay in xukuumad iyo mucaaradba la is dhaliili karo oo ay waajib tahay in la isu maro wadada habboon iyo hannaanka toosan ee xoriyatal qawlka iyo ta qoralkaba . 

Waxaa wanaagsan in dhaqanka anshaxa, ixtiraamka iyo edaabta suubban in la isu dhaliilo, qofk kastaa isaga oo qoraalkiisu eray latifan yahay ayuu hadana wax dhaliili kara laakiin eryga qalafsan ama aflagaadadu ku jirtaa dhaliil ma noqon karo ee waa cay dadka kala fogaynaysa uun. 

Dadku meel ma kala jiro ee waa isku dad, waa walaalo, habar- wadaag, waa ilma abti, waa isu abti iyo xididba. Waxaa iska caadi ah in hadaba aragtida siyaasadeed iyo ta xisbinimadaba lagu kala duwanaan karo  bal se si caafimaad qabta oo deggan doodaha qoraalada la isugu dhaliili karo. 

Waxaan waanadaydan ku soo gunaanadayaa,  umadda reer Somaliland  inay yihiin umad dun nadiif ah oo wanaagsan oo wada waaalo ah. Waa umad xejisatay nabadoodii iyo deganaanshahoodiba.  Hadaba walaaladayda saxaafada iyo dhamaan qorayaasha ku kala duwan ra`yga siyaasadeed waxaan kaga baxaya inay noqdaan kuwii qalinkooda ka ilaashada inaanu marnaba noqon kii sumeeya ama wax yeeleeya nabadgalyada, wada jirka iyo walaalnimadaumada reer Somaliland. 

ILLAAHAY waxaan inooga baryayaa inaynu noqono kuwii ilaashada qaranimadooda, walaaltinamadooda hormar iyo barwaaqana ku dambeeya.

Maxamud Caydiid Lafcanbe
Toronto, Canada

Halkan ka Daawo: Telefishanka Ruushka oo baahiyay, muuqaalo cusub oo ku saabsan markii Dhagax ololayaa cirka kaga soo dhacay gobolka Ural ee dalkaas

Moscow: Telefishanka Ruushka ee xukuumadu maamusho ayaa baahiyay, muuqaalo cusub oo isugu jira, kuwo la duubay wakhtigii dhagax olalaya oo sida kubada u malaasani cirka kaga soo dhacay gobolka Ural ee dalkaas iyo dhul baaxadiisu aad u balaadhan tahay oo holcaya kaas oo sida telefishanku sheegay dabka aan ilaa wali ololkiisu bakhtiyin uu dhaliyay dhagaxaasi.

Masuuliyiinta Ruushanka ayaa iyagu wakhti baahinta telefishanka ka horaysay ka hadlay dhagaxaas iyo inta heerkiisu gaadhsiisnaa, kaas oo masuuliyiintaasi ku tilmaameen inuu ahaa nukliyeer kooban oo aan shucaac lahayn, laakiin gaadhsiisan heerkii iyo quwadii nukliyeerka. Gobolka Ural ee dalka Ruushka ayaa dhagaxani maalintii Jimcihii ee 15-ka February 2013-ka, uu ku habsaday, kaas oo isagoo sida kubada u duuban xawaare aad u sareeyana ku socda sida gantaalka oo kale ugu dhacay meel kaabiga ku haysa haro biyo fadhiistaan oo gobolkaas ku taala.

Sida masuuliyiinta Ruushku sheegeen waxa gariirkii iyo xoogii dhagaxaasi markii uu dhulka ku dhacay uu sababay, in guryo badan oo deegaankaas ku yaalay ku dumaan, isla markaana ay ku dhaawacmaan dad tiradooda lagu qiyaasay ilaa kun iyo laba boqol oo qof, kuwaas oo ilaa sadex boqol oo carruur ahi ku jireen.

Soomaali iyo Maraykan ku Dhex Dagaalamay Dugsi ku Yaala Magaalada Minneapolis

Soomaali iyo Maraykan ku Dhex Dagaalamay Dugsi ku Yaala Magaalada Minneapolis

Soomaali iyo Maraykan ku Dhex Dagaalamay Dugsi ku Yaala Magaalada Minneapolis

Soomaali iyo Maraykan ku Dhex Dagaalamay Dugsi ku Yaala Magaalada Minneapolis

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Al Shabaab executes Kenyan, French hostages in Somalia

Leaders from the al-Qaeda-affliate Al Shabaab in Somalia on Friday reported that they killed a Kenyan soldier who they captured during one of the terrorist group's cross-border raids. The capture and execution of the Kenyan is similar to a previous execution by the radical Islamist organization.

In January 2013, Al Shabaab terrorists killed a French hostage, Dennis Allex, only days after special forces troops from France failed in their rescue attempt, according to the French government.

France's elite French Foreign Legion using helicopters raided an Al Shabaab terrorist base in hopes of retrieving Allex, who is said to be a French security expert.

Unfortunately, the rescue operation failed to free Allex and two Legionnaires were killed.

"Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen has reached a unanimous decision to execute the French intelligence officer, Dennis Allex, " said Al-Shabaab.

Leaders from the brutal terrorist group said the killing of the Kenyan soldier on Friday was retaliation for Kenya's involvement with the African Union in helping the Somali military in fighting the Islamists.

During a video, Al Shabaab claims their execution of Dennis Allex was retaliation for the killing of Somali civilians by the French rescue team and for France's anti-terrorist policies including actions taken in fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and radical Islamists affiliated with al-Qaeda in Mali.

The radical group did not say exactly when they carried out the "death sentence" imposed on the yet to be identified Kenyan hostage,

The French hostage has been in captivity since 2009 when he and a French intelligence officer were captured by the terrorists in Mogadishu. The intelligence officer and Allex were locked up separately and the intelligence officer managed to escape and elude his captors.

According to Glenn Beck's The Blaze, French President Francois Hollande said the “terrorist groups, drug traffickers and extremists show a brutality that threatens us all.” He vowed that the counterterrorism operation would last “as long as necessary.”

Somalia has not had an effective central government for more than two decades. Al Shabaab has grown stronger and more skilled in the use of propaganda while also developing greater operational capabilities. Al Shabaab has used propaganda as both a method of reporting victories and as a tool to weaken the legitimacy of the Somali government and to improve its own legitimacy in the eyes of the civilian population, according to a report by Critical Threats.

Somalia: Blast on Beachfront Restaurant Kills 1

A Somali police officer says a car bomb detonated by remote control has killed one person and wounded two others in Somalia's capital.

 Mohamed Hassan said Saturday the explosion took place in the parking area of a popular beachfront restaurant in the Lido area of Mogadishu frequented by Somali officials and city residents. The restaurant called Lido Seafood was opened last year following the ouster of al-Qaida-linked militants from the seaside capital.

 Hassan says the blast also destroyed cars. The attack was likely carried out by al-Shabab, a group of Islamic extremist rebels who have been fighting the Somali government for nearly six years. Africa Union forces pushed the al-Qaida-affiliated group out of Mogadishu in August 2011 but the rebels continue to carry out attacks in the capital.

PRESS RELEASE: The investment offered under the Somali Star Investments (SSI)

Monday 18th February 2013,
Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa, Somaliland,
8am – 12noon

New investment scheme offers exciting development opportunities for Somaliland.
 Hargeisa – A new investment scheme is being unveiled at the Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa, Somaliland this Thursday. The investment offered under the Somali Star Investments (SSI) are financial instruments that are specifically designed to raise funds for much needed capital-intensive infrastructure projects across the country. These include both social (hospitals and educational institutions, waste/sanitation) and economic infrastructure (roads, ports, telecoms, renewable energy and power, water) and other priority areas/sectors.

One such financial instrument SSI, in conjunction with our partners Salaam Financial Services, is Somali Star Bonds targeting Diaspora members. Pioneered in the 1950s, Diaspora bonds is one way to raise much needed funds from émigrés living overseas as well as from local Somali investors and they have been used to great effect by other developing nations throughout Sub-Sahara Africa and the world.

Along with providing Shariah complaint investment products SSI will use innovative technology such as mobile banking and online investment management tools in collaboration with partners Salaam and Homestrings.

Somali Star Investments (www.somalistarinvestments.com) will be offering the first such investment products and services available in Somaliland, promoting investment opportunities, initially within the business sector, but with a view to developing public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects in the long term alongside government.

The first and primary focus will be wind power, converting wind energy into electricity. Other longer term planned projects include hospitals, schools, solid waste management, water infrastructure, roads and telecoms.

Somali Star Investments is the result of a partnership between Transparency Solutions (TS), Salaam Financial Services and Homestrings Inc. The project has received a grant from USAID.

Project Director, Sharmarke Jama said: “Investment in infrastructure is critical to our country’s development in the short to long-term. The benefits are not just economic but will fundamentally change the lives of millions of people for the better. We are confident that we have the right products, the right projects and the right partners in place and we look forward to a brighter future with Somali Star Investments”

Speaking at the launch event will be officials from the Somaliland government, TS, Salaam Financial Services, Telesom and USAID.

Background notes for editors:

Somali Star Investments is a brand name of Transparency Solutions (TS). TS is a Somali-led organisation based in the UK and Somaliland. The company has considerable expertise in sustainable economic development as well as a world-class reputation for research, evaluation, project management and training.

 Sharmarke A. Jama
 Managing Director
 Transparency Solutions
 Hargeisa, Somaliland
 Mobile: +252-2-471 8869 / +252-2-473 2730 / +252-2-424 6860
 Email: sharmarke.jama@transparencysolutions.co.uk

Xarun cusub oo ka shaqayn doonta u doodista xuquuqda aadamaha aya waxa lagu daahfuray magaalada Hargeysa

Xarun cusub oo ka shaqayn doonta u doodista xuquuqda aadamaha aya waxa lagu daahfuray magaalada Hargeysa taasi oo loo bixiyey Xaruntax xuquuqda aadamaha (Human Rigths Center).

Hargeysa  (HWN):- Xarun cusub oo  ka shaqayn doonta u doodista xuquuqda  aadamaha aya waxa lagu daahfuray magaalada Hargeysa taasi oo loo bixiyey  Xaruntax  xuquuqda aadamaha (Human Rigths Center).

Munaasibada lagu daah furayey xarunta cusub ee u doodi doonta xuquuqda bina aadanka oo lagu qabtay Hotel Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxa ka soo qayb galay xildhibaano ka tirsan golaha wakiilada Somaliland,hogaanka xaruntaas iyo marti sharaf kale.

Ugu horayna waxa munaasibadan ka hadlay gudoomiyaha xaruntan cusub ee ilaalinta xuquuqda bina aadanka ayaa ka waramay muhiimada ay leedahay in la ilaaliyo xuquuqda bina aadanka, isaga oo ka waramay ujeedada loo furay xaruntan waxaanu yidhi ? Muhiimada uu xuquuqal insaanku leeyahay sida wax barashada , caafimaad iyo waxyaabaha u aasaasiga ah  nolosheena , waxaana ka mid ah xuuquuqda shaqaalaha waxaana laga yaabaa  in ay shaqeeyaan xaalado aad u adag kuna shaqeeyaan xaalad mushahar aad u hooseeya.?

Gudoomiyaha oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaas raaciyey ?qaxoontiga ku nool dalkeenu waxay  u baahan yihiin tirakoob, waxaanay xaruntani u furan tahay inay si dhex dhexaad nimo ah ugu adeegto xuquuqda aadamaha.?

Sidoo kale xildhibaan Ibraahin Mahdi Buubaa oo ka mida mudanayaasha golaha wakiilada Somaliland oo munaasibadan ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay muhiin tahay in wax laga qabto tacadiyada ka dhanka ah xuquuqda bina aadanka ah ? Waxaa muhiim ah in wax laga qabto  tacadiyada faraha badan ee loo gaysto haweenka in wax laga qabto , taasi oo ah in ay waxii xaq ah  ee uu inanku  helo in ay gabadhuna hesho , waxaana ka mid ah dhibaatooyinka hadda loo gaysto dumarka kufsiga , oo ah kiisaska ugu badan ee hadda  dhaca?

Xildhibaanka oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaas raaciyey ?Bulshadeena iyo  dawladu way iska horyimaadaan , waxaana dhacda in ay hay?adda xuquuqal insaanku hoosta ka xariiqaan , waxaana idinka (Xaruntan) idinku  waaninayaa in aydun u adkaysataan arrimahaasi?.

Pro Aadam Xaaji Cali oo ah madaxa machadka xalinta khilaafaadka ee jaamacadda Hargeysa  oo ka mid ahaa dadkii madasha lagu soo casuumay oo munaasibadaasi ka hadlay ayaa  halkaasi kula dardaaray  aasaasayaasha ururkan in aanay ka niyad jabin haddii ay carqaladu ka soo waajahaan geedi socodka shaqada ururka oo uu xusay  in ay inbadan dhacdo isaga oo ku sababeeyey waxyaabihii laga filaayey  oo la waayo

Wasiirka cadaaladda Xuseen Axmed  Caydiid oo isaguna munaasibadan ka hadlay ayaa yidhi ? arrin aan is leeyahay waxay  soo baxday baryahan dambe oo an isleeyahay haddaba  sharcigu wuu maqanyahay , sida jeel magnuunka oo macagiisu sidaasi ahayn oo ah xarun caafimaad  dhallinyartu waa in ay kala ogaato in ay  dabaqado kala leeyihiin  xuquuqdu , oo ay ka mid tahay xaqa uu qof leeyahay oo ah  intaanu wax u dhimaynin xaqa qofka kale , taasina waa in sidaasi loo ilaaliyaa , maxakamadaheenu waxay u aasaasanyihiin in ay xuquuqda ilaaliyaan  iyaga iyo hay?adaha xuquuqduba?



1. Xukun cadaalad daro ah oo dil lagu xukumay 2 ka mid aha da'yarta gabooyahay magaalada boorama ku nool, tahdiid, cabsigalin iyo takoor dhan ka ah tiro kooban oo beelaha la takooro ee gabooyaha magaalada boorama ku dhaqan ayaa sababay barokac baahsan dhaqaalo burbur soo food saaray 30 qoys oo mid kastaaba ka kooban yahay celcelis ahaan 9 ruux, kadib markii wiil ka soo jeeda beelaha degaanka ee tirada badani uu jeclaaday gabadh yar oo gabooye ah kadibna uu qoyskoodii u sheegay in uu rabo in uu guursado balse si xoogleh ay uga diideen qoyskiisii taasi bedelkeeda oo la sheegay in uu is gubay maragyadii arkayay ayaa diiday in ay maraga furaan maxkamada horteed, maxkamada lafteeda ayaa lagu weeraray dad badan oo gabooye ah oo la iska xidhxidhay. 

mid ka mid ah sababaha ugu waawayn ayaa ah Wiilka  is gubay aabihii ayaa ah madaxa baadhista booliska saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada Boorama. Waxa wax lala yaabo ah isagoo Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare ee dalku uu dhibanayaasha laga tirada badan yahay ee boorama loogu awood faro iyo dawlad sheegtay ku yidhi garsoorayaal ayaa Hargeysa ka dirayaaye inta ay dacwada qaadayaan noloshooda bixiya sidaana ay ku bixiyeen 700 oo Dollarka Maraykanka ah ..........................................Dacwadii ayaa mudaysan in 20 bishan Feb. 2013 ka bilaabanto Maxkamada Racfaanka magaalada Boorama. 

kiiskan waxa HornWatch dib ugu dhigaysay ee ay u faafin waydday iyadoo ka baqaysa in waxyeelo ka soo gaadho dadka laga tirada badan yahay ee ku nool magaalada boorama khatar muuqata oo ka jirta boorame awgeed.

Warbixinta kiiskan ayaa ku jirta haatan garaacistii kama dambaysta ahayd ka hor inta aan la faafinin, waxa kiskan loo gudbin doonaa bal in uu wax ka qaban karo Komishanka Xuquuqda Aadamiga Qaranka somaliland.

2Maalintii Saddexaad ayay u noqonaysaa ee ay saldhiga dhexe ku jiraan, mana cada in xorriyadooda dib loogu soo celin doono iyo in ay maxkamad la tiigsan doona Aamina Xasan Cawaale, Deeq  Xasan Cawaale iyo Wiil ay dhashay oo lagu magacaabo Cado

Rising Voices: Do you have an idea for a project that would help your local community use citizen media to tell their own story. Apply this Fund

Do you have an idea for a project that would help your local community use citizen media to tell their own story? Do you need funding and support in making that idea become a reality?

Since 2007, Rising Voices has sought to support individuals, grassroots groups, networks, and organizations committed to helping their local communities participate more fully in the digital online space. By providing funding and mentoring to small-scale projects around the world, Rising Voices has supported 35 citizen media outreach projects located in all corners of the globe. These projects have helped local leaders bring new and underrepresented voices into the global digital conversation in order to tell their own stories or bring to light issues important to their own communities.

Beginning with the 2013 round of microgrant funding, Rising Voices has developed a new platform where applicants can publicly share their ideas with the broader community. This open process can enable greater opportunities to seek feedback and to help facilitate connections between groups located in the same geographic area or working around the same issue. We feel that this new way of sharing ideas will have a positive effect on the global community that shares the common goal of a more inclusive and diverse digital online space.

Once again, we will provide up to five microgrants in the amount of $USD 2,500-4,000 to successful applicants that have demonstrated a strong and clear idea how to best provide training and ongoing support to their local community members. Selected grantee projects will join the Rising Voices community of projects and be featured prominently across the Global Voices network.


Rising Voices seeks project proposals that share our mission of bringing voices from new communities, as well as underrepresented language groups to the online global conversation through the use of participatory citizen media. The project's primary activities should be to provide citizen media training workshops to the target community, as well vital ongoing support and mentoring. Please see our roster of current and alumni grantee projects for examples of previously funded projects.
Examples of potential projects may include:
  • Organizing a citizen media “boot camp” with experienced local bloggers to train and mentor participants from underrepresented communities that will result in a local network of support.
  • Working with an indigenous community to teach and encourage new generations to begin to use Twitter to connect with others as a way to preserve and promote their native language online.
  • Partnering with a local library with a computer lab to invite community members to discuss local problems and solutions, and train them how to create a group blog to take these conversations to the wider community.
  • Organizing a series of digital photography group walks where residents can document life in their community together and create an online Flickr photography exhibit.
  • Teaching local residents to record and edit audio recordings on Audacity for a community podcast that can be uploaded online, as well as distributed to local radio stations for a wider reach.
Project ideas are not limited to these, and we encourage you to be creative, yet realistic in your proposals. See the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.
To apply, please visit the “Submit a Proposal” page, where you will find short questions that will enable you to outline your project plans. Please note that there is a character-limit for each answer (not word-limit).


The competition will follow the following timeline process:

First Round – Applicants submit their initial proposal via the online platform. Once the proposal has been published, we invite applicants to share their proposal with their networks, as a way to solicit comments and input from others. Please note that there is an option for applicants to keep their proposal private if there are security concerns.

All of the proposals will be reviewed by a committee comprised of members from the Global Voices community, including past microgrant recipients.
Application deadline is Friday, March 1, 2013 at 23:59 GMT
Second Round – The selection committee will choose a shortlist of finalists, who will then be invited to submit a longer and more detailed proposal including budget, timeline, and additional detailed information. These finalists will also have the option to submit additional multi-media, such as a user-created video or photographs to help the committee make a final decision.
Winners will be announced by March 31 (subject to change based on the number of proposals to be reviewed).

United States-African Union Sign MOU to Strengthen Partnership

(Front left to right: Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson and Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma; Behind left to right: Ambassador Michael A. Battle and Ambassador Amina Ali)
On January 30, African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini-Zuma signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) further cementing the United States-African Union partnership.  Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, present at the AU signing ceremony, presented Chairperson’s Dlamini-Zuma’s signed copy of the MOU to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who signed the MOU as one of her last acts in office on February 1. This partnership MOU ushers in a new phase of the U.S.-AU relationship, which started in 2006 when the United States Mission to the African Union (USAU) was opened. 

The core of the U.S.-AU Partnership MOU is mirrored after President Obama’s Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) and the subsequent U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa, released by the White House in June 2012.  Both the PPD and the MOU focus on the following four pillars or areas of mutual interest: peace and security; democracy and governance; economic growth, trade, and investment; and promotion of opportunity and development.  The agreement also formalizes the annual U.S.-AU High-Level Dialogue, between the Secretary of State and the AU Chairperson, as well as Staff Talks between the AU Peace and Security Department and the U.S. Department of Defense.  Further, the MOU also allows for the exchange of related information on best practices, lessons learned, and other technical matters.

On August 3, 2010, the United States and the African Union signed a $5.8 million multi-year assistance agreement to achieve common policy objectives in the areas of peace and security, economic development, regional integration, health and social welfare, and good governance on the African continent.  Together, the 2010 assistance agreement, the 2012 PPD for sub-Saharan Africa, and recently signed U.S.-AU Partnership MOU provide a strong foundation for the U.S. to develop stable and secure partnership with African countries in the years ahead. 

Following the official signing ceremony, U.S. Ambassador Michael Battle remarked that the MOU allows for an expanded, broader, and more robust relationship between the United States and the African Union, moving the partnership beyond the peace and security realm.  He further commented that “the MOU signing is the fulfillment of many of the goals I set forth when I first arrived as U.S. Ambassador to the AU over three years ago.” 

Learn more about the White House PPD here, and follow USAU on Facebook and Twitter. 

Alberta woman taken hostage in Somalia speaks out about sex abuse Read it on Global News: Global News | Alberta woman taken hostage in Somalia speaks out about sex abuse

Amanda Lindhout
CALGARY - As she was driving to a rally to raise awareness about violence against women, Amanda Lindhout started to have doubts about her plan to speak publicly for the first time about how she had been raped and tortured while being held captive in Somalia.
"I just didn't know if I was going to have the courage to do it," she said Friday.

"Those are words that I have never said in public before, that I have said only in the confines of my therapist's office and with close friends and family. So for me, just like for any woman that has experienced this kind of abuse, to stand in front of people and say that publicly and really own that experience was extremely difficult for me to do."
But buoyed by a feeling of safety at the One Billion Rising event in Calgary, the 31-year-old writer and activist who hails from Red Deer, Alta., and now lives in Canmore, Alta., chose to reveal the repeated sexual attacks that she suffered during her captivity with the aim of showing solidarity with others dealing with the same issues.

Lindhout has spoken before of her time being held captive by a group of Somali youths who had kidnapped her off the side of the road outside the capital of Mogadishu in August 2008. At the time, she was working as a freelance writer.

When Lindhout and Australian photographer Nigel Brennan were abducted, their parents first turned to the Canadian and Australian governments for help, but eventually hired a private hostage negotiation group and paid a ransom to secure their freedom.

"When I came home from my experience as a hostage three years ago, I never felt an obligation to share publicly any great amount of details about the abuse that I suffered," she said.

"I shared what I felt was an appropriate level of detail with the Canadian public, who I did feel some responsibility to, considering how engaged the nation was during the 15 1/2 months I was a hostage."

Lindhout turned her attention to writing a book about her experiences and founded her Global Enrichment Foundation, which has a mandate of supporting vulnerable Somali women.

An articulate and composed speaker, Lindhout always seemed to exude confidence, but she admitted that surface belied the ongoing difficulties many survivors of sexual assault would be familiar with.

"There are still days that are really hard for me," she said. "I have pretty severe post-traumatic stress and it's something I live with every single day. I'm still afraid of the dark and I'm afraid of loud noises."

Adding to the complexity of her recovery was her work, which put her in daily contact with the subject of her greatest fears.

"Every woman who has experienced sexual abuse knows how hard it is to get up every single day, but then on top of that I have the public looking at me and the media asking questions about what happened to me," she said.

She may not have used the words rape and torture, but she said they often ended up in the headlines of stories about her.

"Every time I saw them and read them, I felt like I was victimized over and over again. Those words touched a raw part of me that was still unhealed."
But she became determined not to be a victim.

"I'm a survivor of rape and I'm a survivor of torture," she said. "I choose to walk the road of healing. It's been a long journey over the last three years, but it's something I choose every day."

She has learned the process of healing will likely take the rest of her life — she works with psychologists and therapists and nutritionists "to put both my physical and my emotional self back together."

She said the support she received after going public about her sexual abuse was heartwarming.

"I have been overwhelmed and extremely touched by how many women have reached out to me," she said. "If I'm in a position to have my voice heard because of what happened to me in Somalia and share my story and my experiences ... then I feel a bit of responsibility to do that.

"That wasn't easy for me to do yesterday. But it was worth it."
-- by Gwen Dambrofsky in Edmonton

Booliiska oo Laascaanood ka soo qabtay Wiil uu dhalay Feysal Cali Waraabe iyo Gabadh ay wada socdeen iyo jawaabta uu Feysal ka bixiyay

Laascaanood - Sarkaal ka tirsan Laanta Socdaalka Somalilaand ayaa caawa u xaqiijiyay Waaheen in ay Ciidamadda Booliiska Somaliland ee ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood soo qabteen Wiil uu dhalay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID iyo Gabadh ay wada socdeen.

Sarkaalka Waaheen Xogta siiyay waxa uu intaas ku daray Ciidanka Booliiska Laascaanood waxay u soo dhaadhiciyeen dhinaca Hargeysa, balse ilaa hada ma cada sababta loo soo qabtay wiilka iyo gabadhaasi.

Dhinaca kale Feysal Cali Waraabe oo aanu goor dhaweyd la xidhiidhnay si aanu wax uga weydiino sababta Wiilka uu dhalay loo xidhay ayaa yidhi ” Inanka anigaa dhalay waxa ay wada socdaan Gabadh Reer Wajeer ah, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Booliiska waanu ka wada soconay qabashada Wiilka iyo Gabadha, waayo ma garanayo meel ay tagayaan laakiin waxaan doonayaa in la hubiyo oo baadhitaan lagu sameeyo” ayuu yidhi.

Feysal Cali Waraabe waxa uu intaas raaciyay ” Gabadhu waa Reer Wajeer markaanu ogaanay inaybaxsanayaan ayaanu baasaaboorkii ka qaadnay, xalay abaara kowdii habeenimo ayay Hutelkii ay deganayaan ka guureen, saaka kowdii ayuu JPS ku sheegay Burco inay gaadhi ka raaceen, markaa Laascaanood ayaa nasiib wanaag lagu qabtay, waxa aad moodaa in dabeecadiisii wax laga bedelay oo ay heleen kooxaha Xag-jirka ah. mar hore waxay isku dayeen inay Yeman tagaan laakiin waan ka joojiyay” ayuu raaciyay.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wasiirka Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta oo xabsiga u taxaabay Rag Ajanabi ah iyo Haween Reer Somaliland ah oo ka cashaynayay Oriental Hotel

Sh Khaliil C/laahi Axmed Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Somaliland
Ma Doonayno in markale Fadeexadii Jarmalku ay Dalka ku soo noqoto. talaabo adag baanu qaadaynaa” Wasiirka Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta

Hargeysa(Waaheen) Wasiirka Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta Somaliland Sh Khaliil C/laahi Axmed ayaa xabsiga dhigay afar qof oo laba Rag ahi ay yihiin Ajanabi dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda Dalka Suuriya iyo laba Dumar ah oo Reer Somaliland ah oo habeen hore ka cashaynayay Hotelka Orientalka Hargeysa.

Wasiirka Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta oo hotelka ka cashaynayay ayaa arkay afartan qof oo si tallan taali ah isugu kaliyaystay isla markaana ka cashaynayay kadibna waxa uu dalbaday ciidan booliis ah kuwaas oo kaxeeyay afarta qof una dhaadhiciyay Saldhiga, halkaas oo lagu xidhay.

Wasiirka Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta Somaliland oo aanu xalay khadka Telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay ayaa Waaheen uga waramay dhacdadan “waxa ay afarta qof soo galeen Hotelka aniga oo markaas fadhiya, habeenimo ayay ahayd, dad dhaqan iyo Diin leh baynu nahay qaabka ay u socdaan markii aan arkay isla markaana ay ii cadaatay inaanay ahayn dad qoysas u eg ayaan xidhay” ayuu yidhi Wasiirku.

Mar anu weydiinay Wasiirka sababta ay dadkan u xidheen iyadoo maalin kasta ay magaaladda iyo Huteeladda ku soo badanayaan dadka isla taga waxa uu yidhi “ waa rrin aad u fool xun waad ogaydeen wixii inaga gaadhay Ninkii Jarmalka ahaa, markaas ma doonayno Dumarkeena, Diinteena iyo Dhaqankeenaba wax ku Lidi ah in Dalka gudihiisa lagu caadaysto” ayuu Wasiir Khaliil yidhi isagoo baaq Digniin u diray dadka aan qoysaska ahayn.

Mar aanu weydiinay afarta qof cida ay ahaayeen dhalasho ahaan waxa uu yidhi “ Laba Rag bay ahaayeen Suuriyaan ah, labada Haween ahina Reer Somaliland bay ahaayeen, markaa shareecadu ma ogola in dad muxarim kala ahi inay isku kaliyaystaan ama Hudheelo noocan oo kale ah si toos ah isugu yimaadaan, dhawr jeer oo horena arrintaas Bulshada iyo Hudheeladaba waanu kala hadalay. Guddida wanaag farista iyo Culimaduna siyaabo gaar gaar ah ayay uga hadleen” ayuu raaciyay.

Wasiirka oo aanu weydiinay ka hor inta aanay xidhin dadka Ajanabiga ah iyo kuwa Reer Somaliland-ba inay wasaarad ahaan waxyaabaha aan l ogolayn inay qoraal ahaan ugu gudbiyaan meelaha ay ka soo degayaan ama ay ku nool yihiin ba waxa uu yidhi “ Wasaarad ahaan Diinta anagaa qaabillsan Dad Muslim ahna waynu nahay waanu wacyigalinaa Dadka, imikana waxaanu wadnaa Qoraalo inaanu daanacno oo aanu meelaha muhiimka ah ku dhajino ama aanu dhigno si aan mar marsiinyo loogu helin dhaqan xumada caynkaas ah oo kale” ayuu yidhi Wasiirku

Ugu danbayntii mar aanu weydiinay inay wali xidhan yihiin iyo inkale waxa uu yidhi “ Haweenka Waalidkood baanu la kulanay oo aanu kala hadalnay, laba nine e Suuriyaanka ahina waxay u yimaadeen oo ay la shaqeeyaan Shirkadda Maan-deeq ee maamusha Kawaanka Xoolaha Hargeysa, markaa iyagana waxaa noo yimi qoladaas waananu u dignay inaanay mar danbe Haweenka sidaas ula macaamilin” ayuu kaga baxay.

Talaabadan ayaa noqonaysa tii ugu horaysay ee ay Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Aw-qaaftu qaado isla markaana ay ku qab qabato Rag ajanabi ah iyo Dumar Reer Somaliland ah, iyadoo maalin walba ay jiraan falal soo badanaya oo ay dad ajaanib ahi ku shukaansayaan Dumar Reer Somaliland ah taasoo si qarsoodi ah iyo si toos ahba loo arko.

Short URL: http://waaheen.com/?p=59645

No Oil without Water: Water-Tech for the Future

Greetings from London.

The shocking news this week (at least to the Guardian) is that secret funding helped build a vast network of climate denial think tanks.

The Guardian reports that “conservative billionaires used a secretive funding route to channel nearly $120 million to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change.”

The key objective: to “redefine climate change from neutral scientific fact to a highly polarizing ‘wedge issue’ for hardcore conservatives.”

Various media outlets have been discussing this for some time, and certainly no one is surprised. But the Guardian article paints this in a different light. It’s not talking about the obvious “visible” funding for anti-climate change camps provided by the Koch brothers or the oil industry in general. This is apparently a new tunnel of funding and an additional $120 million that has remained secret until now. These funds, says the Guardian, were routed through the Donors Trust and the Donors Capital Fund out of the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. The express purpose of these trusts was to ensure that donors’ money would never be used for “liberal” causes.

And there is another big money issue that has raised a new debate: Obama’s proposal to fund clean-energy research with fees paid by oil and gas producers. The point of Obama’s “Energy Security Trust” may seem cynical to some as it essentially means a lot of drilling today for a cleaner energy future tomorrow. The main idea—announced in the State of the Union address—is to use $200 million in royalties from drilling on federal land to pay for renewable energy development. Over 10 years, this Energy Security Trust would spend $2 billion. The oil and gas industry can’t really complain—it’s a sign that more federal lands will become available, and fast, for drilling. Clean energy advocates also seem to find the plan logical. It’s not a novel idea, actually. Republicans have pursued it before. Congress is likely to agree.

This week also saw the second company convicted of crimes stemming from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Swiss drilling contractor Transocean entered a guilty plea on Thursday before a US district court in New Orleans. The company pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of violating the Clean Water Act for negligently discharging oil into the Gulf. The negotiated settlement includes a $400 million penalty and five years of probation. Transocean also agree to pay a $1 billion civil penalty. Transocean was not facing charges related to the death of 11 workers killed in the Deepwater Horizon accident. Earlier this month, BP Plc, the prime operator involved in the oil spill, pleaded guilty to 14 criminal charges, including manslaughter. BP will pay a $4 billion fine and serve five years on probation. It will also pay a separate $525 million fine related to securities violations. The civil trial for the oil spill will begin on 25 February.

In Syria, rebel forces claimed on Thursday to have captured the town of Shadadah in the Hasaka province and to have taken control of a nearby oil field. This offensive was allegedly conducted with heavy reliance on the Nusra Front, which is a Salafi-Jihadist group supported by Qatar. Rebel forces are moving closer to Aleppo, where they are intent on taking control of the airport and cutting off Assad’s supply chain that runs from Aleppo to Damascus and then in a triangle towards the coast, with Lebanon’s borders nestled dangerously in between. Rebel forces have been trying to capture the Aleppo airport for nearly a month but are out-gunned by regime warplanes.

This week we also had a
chance to speak with the CEO of Canada’s Aroway Energy (ARW), Chris Cooper, who offers a different take on the global game for junior oil and gas companies.  At a time when juniors are risking a lot in volatile venues in the Middle East and Africa, Aroway is planting its feet firmly in homeland soil and in conventional plays. For the smaller juniors, Cooper says this is not a long-term game, and blowing all you’re capital to drill a single unconventional well in a risky frontier won’t pay off. He says Canada still has plenty to offer juniors, and the end game is after all merger and acquisition.

Today’s special report is taken from the Opportunities section of Premium and looks at the various opportunities in water tech. You can see the full report below.

Finally, if you haven’t had a chance to check out our Premium Newsletter offerings, this is the week to do so.
Dan Dicker, trader extraordinaire, gives us some exclusive tips on two hot stocks that are a must-buy for investors. It comes out this weekend, be sure not to miss it.

Two High Risk Venues, With Big Potential Payouts: Somaliland and Lebanon

 Republic of Somaliland 
Somaliland: Somali’s ‘Other’ Country

Somaliland enjoys a certain amount of strategic advantage. It has a long coastline and deep sea ports, and could eventually serve as a major energy hub for East Africa. Foreign oil companies are already on to this and exploration is beginning in earnest.

Chevron was drilling in Somaliland in the late 1980s, and Conoco was laying airstrips, but these licenses were granted by the Somali government, which was taken over by militias in 1991 - a development that saw Somaliland declare independence that same year. So now we’re starting from scratch. There is the little matter that Somaliland is not an internationally recognized country, but foreign investors do not seem to be bothered by this technical inconvenience.

So far, three independent oil companies have signed up for exploration. The most notable is Turkey’s Genel Energy, which has taken the sector by storm in Northern Iraq. Genel will begin surveying in March and expects to drill its first well in early 2014. Somaliland officials are hoping Genel will have the same success it has had in Iraqi Kurdistan.

UK-listed Ophir Energy and Australia-listed Jacka Resources are also in the first exploration. Together, the three companies have seven blocks. Genel owns 75% of two blocks,  Ophir also owns 75% of two blocks. There are a total of 24 blocks up for grabs and they cover one-third of the country’s territory.

No one…

Africa orphaned, under guardianship at World Bank

Justice for Blacks

Segregation exists in the employment practices and positioning of Africans within the World Bank as a result of racist institutional practice. Africans are muted in the Bank’s boardrooms, where strategic policies that have significant bearings on Africa are set and this needs to radically change

In an excellent expose published in this forum Phyllis Muhammad wrote about ‘the twin evils that have bedeviled the World Bank’s relationship with Africa as a continent and Africans as human beings.’ Her article opened a space for a new perspective and discourse, identifying the twin evils as structural and cultural. The structural ‘concerns a ‘democracy deficit’ in the Bank’s governance architecture that has denied Africa voice in the institution’s Boardroom.’ The cultural ‘involves institutional discrimination in the day-to-day management of the Bank.’ See ‘Unmasking Racist World Bank,’ (12/18/2012).

The purpose of this article is to show that Africans are virtually absent at any level to influence global policies that affect their continent’s destiny. Since the late 1990s, Africa has taken center stage of the Bank’s business, accounting for 50 percent of the International Development Association funds. However, as Ms. Muhammad noted ‘Sub Saharan Africa, home for 30 percent of the world’s poor, was allotted 5.55 percent of the World Bank’s voting rights.’ Africans are muted in the Bank’s Boardrooms, where strategic policies that have significant bearings on Africa are set.

A corollary question is: ‘who speaks for Africa at the management, and administrative level in the day-to-day decision making process of the World Bank?’ According to the World Bank, its primary focus in terms of providing voice to its client countries is ‘its diversity in composition associated with its global nature.’ This means in a very broad sense Africans would have a reasonably meaningful role in the Bank’s management in general, and in the Bank’s decision making process for Africa in particular. But alas that is not the case. Blacks in the World Bank’s professional cohort account for a mere 5.4 percent in the seven most important vice presidential units (VPUs) where strategic development policies and poverty alleviation programs are formulated (See Table 1).

It should be noted that the 5.4 percent figure represents mostly entry level professional grades and also includes white South Africans and Africans of Asian origin. If only blacks were to be counted the 5.4 percent will be far below 5 percent. It should also be noted that representation of Blacks at management level in the seven VPUs is closer to zero percent.

What is also notable is that the situation has gotten worse between 2009 and 2011, showing an overall 20 percent reduction in representation of Blacks in professional positions in the seven VPUs from an already low level of 6.3 percent in 2009. This is a reflection of the total disregard for racial equality during Robert Zoellick’s presidency (2007-2012). Making matters worse the HR vice president, Hasan Tuluy, showed no interest in discharging his responsibility. Representation of Blacks declined in his own vice presidency (HRSVP) from 10.1 to 9.2 percent between 2009 and 2011, dropping further to 8.7 percent in 2012 (See World Bank HR Analytics FY2012).


In general, Blacks are segregated in the Africa VPU. The term widely used inside the Bank is ‘ghettoization’ of Blacks because the Africa regional VPU was nicknamed ‘the ghetto of the Bank’ in a public meeting by one of the Bank’s senior officials in 1996. A 2003 World Bank Report acknowledged ‘Blacks are told they can only work in the Africa region because they can be more competitive there and some nationals do not want to work with Blacks.’ A 2004 study by the Strategic Staffing wing of the Bank’s HRSVP shows that only Africans are segregated in their regional VPU, while other races are widely represented in all Bank VPUs.

In 2005, the Staff Association appealed to the Personnel Committee of the Bank’s Board to ‘address seriously the issue of ‘ghettoization’ to ensure that diversity cuts across the institution.’ Their repeated appeals fell in deaf ears. In 2011, Blacks accounted for 2.1 percent of the professional cohort in the East Asia and Pacific regional VPU. The corresponding figure for the Africa regional VPU is 45.2 percent (see Table 2).

The data also shows blacks are relatively more represented in the Middle East and North Africa (6.7 percent), Latin America and the Caribbean (6.0 percent), and South Asia (5.1 percent) compared to 2.1 percent in East Asia and the Pacific and 4.6 percent in Eastern Europe and central Asia. The 6.7 percent, 6.0 percent and 5.1 percent figures reflect relatively high representation of blacks in regions where the population consists of black and/or brown people. For example, the majority of Black staff in the Latin America and Caribbean regional VPU are in the Caribbean islands.


How well represented are Blacks in the management of the African regional VPU? The data is available within the Bank, but not made readily accessible. Data compiled by Justice for Blacks from the Bank’s 2008 telephone directory shows the following.

As noted above Black professionals are segregated in the African regional VPU representing 52.2 percent of the professional body, but account only for 20 percent of the management team (see Table 3). Asians account for 24 percent and Europeans, and North Americans represent 52 percent of the senior management cohort in the Africa VPU. Blacks in general have less say in the Bank’s management of Africa than Asians, Europeans and North Americans. Alas, Africa is orphaned and under guardianship.

In comparison, Asians account for 45 percent of East Asia’s and 37 percent of South Asian Management teams. Blacks account for 3 percent of the professional staff in each of the East Asia and Europe and Central Asia regional VPU. The corresponding figures for South Asian and Latin American and Caribbean regional VPUs are 7 percent. The pattern is strikingly similar to what is observed at the lower professional levels, showing that outside of Africa, Blacks are more represented in regions where the large majority of the people are Black or Brown. Another interesting point is that Europeans and North Americans account for 60 percent of the management cohort of the Bank, but represent 74 percent of the management team in Europe and Central Asia (the Bank’s white region). It is a modern day caste system. It reflects what Adrienne Smith called ‘good-enough’ racial equality in her piece published in this forum. See ‘Good-enough Racial Equality at the World Bank’ (12/19/2012)


Economic development is not all about complex general equilibrium and macroeconomic models. Nor is it all about fancy econometrics. Economic actions are governed not only by quantifiable macro economic and financial variables, but also by unquantifiable social organization of networks as well as by informal norms and culture that general equilibrium models do not capture. Intimate knowledge of Africa’s norms and culture is important in shaping its development trajectory. Nonetheless, not a single black African has been appointed regional chief Economist for Africa. This, in and of itself, is conspicuous in light of the fact that most of the Chief Economists for Asia have been Asians, including the current one. What can explain the virtual absence of Black managers in the African regional VPU? Is there not an adequate pool of qualified Blacks to fill management positions in Africa?

Overall, Blacks account for 15 percent of the Bank’s work force, but a large majority, including those with MBA and PhD degrees, are concentrated in sub-professional levels or short term consultancy assignments. The Bank’s own 1998 report acknowledges that ‘black staff members are recruited disproportionately in the secretarial grades, ignoring the educational and professional success they have achieved.’ The report goes on to note that ‘many of them are qualified for the professional ranks of the Bank.’ A 2005 Staff Association report highlighted:

• It is not unusual to see many black graduates of US Ivy league schools in critical areas in demand in the Bank trapped in the short term consultant stream after many years in the Bank (15 years for some).

• It is also not unusual to see Bank staff of African descent, with more than 30 years of Bank experience, with excellent performance evaluations, graduates of US Ivy League schools, with PhDs, in the sunsets of their careers [never having broken into the management ranks.]

Let us provide three examples out of several dozens of cases.


Mr. EN holds two graduate degrees from leading universities and Grandes Ecoles in France, including an MBA and Masters in Economics and two Post Graduate degrees in Banking and Finance, and Information Systems and Business Reengineering. Grand Ecoles in the French system are equivalent to Ivy Leagues in the US. Mr. EN was one of 17 graduate students accepted into one of the Post Graduate programs out of 700 competing candidates.

Mr. EN authored two widely referenced books on African economic development. He also won two Awards of Excellence from the World Bank and IFC, the private sector wing of the Bank. These are awards given to exceptional performers. Mr. EN is a globally recognized expert who has delivered keynote speeches in a number of high level forums in Africa, Europe and the US.

Anyone with such an extraordinary achievement and international recognition should have move up the World Bank’s management ladder in a short time. Indeed, two of Mr. EN’s post graduate classmates are vice presidents in the World Bank. Others are in leadership positions at the IMF and a number of large private corporations. Unfortunately, in the eyes of some World Bank managers Mr. EN’s achievements could not overshadow two major handicaps: His color and place of origin.

During his tenure with the World Bank (1995-2000), Mr. EN was a Team Leader for Private Sector Development (PSD) for a number of African countries. In spite of being a team leader, he had the lowest salary in the team. Some of his team members were paid more than 70 percent than he was. Mr. EN complained about this unjust salary differential. The HR reviewed his salary and sent him a note acknowledging that his salary was low and advising him to talk to his manager. He did as advised and this was the beginning of the end of Mr. EN’s position in PSD. The manager claimed that he would need to first ‘open Mr. EN’s position for competition’ before he could adjust his salary. On this basis, in 2000, Mr. EN applied for the very position he had been holding and performing with excellence since 1995. Shortly thereafter, he was informed that the position had been cancelled for ‘budgetary reasons’ and his service was no longer needed in PSD.

Mr. EN applied for the position of manager for Strategy in the IFC. He went through a series of interviews which went very well. IFC promised to send him a letter of employment. While he was waiting for the letter, he was informed that the manager’s position had been cancelled and he would be hired as Senior Strategy Officer. Mr. EN was given a position one pay scale below what he was cleared for. His performance with IFC was excellent as documented in his annual performance evaluation and his Award for Excellence. Unfortunately, a new director came and made it clear from the day he arrived in the department that he was not interested in having Mr. EN in his department. The director claimed he needed to reorganize the department and let Mr. EN go even though he was the only member of the team with an Award for Excellence.

CASE 2: BK v. World Bank (2011)

Having earned a Masters Degree, graduating at the top of his class, and being an award winning Ph.D. in Economics from one of the leading universities in France, Dr. BK joined the Bank through the very selective Young Professionals (YP) program in 1986. The YP program annually selects about 30 high caliber youngsters out of a pool of 10,000 accomplished applicants from around the world. Most YPs go through the ranks fairly quickly to high-level management positions. Two of Dr. BK’s YP cohorts made it to Vice president. Many are Directors and the rest are at least Sector Managers. Dr. BK was the only one who did not break into the management grade, despite an excellent performance record and recognition at different levels including by a former President of the Bank, James Wolfensohn, for exemplary work. Every time he was up for promotion or for a higher grade assignment the Bank freely violated its rules and kept him trapped bellow the glass ceiling.

Between 2005 and 2010 Dr. BK applied for 14 positions, but without success. During all those unsuccessful attempts, he made the shortlist only a few times. This is despite the Bank’s hyped public relations campaign to assist qualified Africans to get promoted to management ranks following the Bank’s highly publicized but never enforced ‘zero tolerance for discrimination.’

Far from assisting Dr. BK, the Bank blocked his promotion repeatedly using discriminatory actions. For example, for one of the management positions his prospect for promotion was high as the most qualified applicant in the shortlist. However, the Bank gave the position to a non-black candidate, who was not even on the short list. It should be noted that the chosen candidate’s application was turned down by the short-listing Committee because the candidate did not meet the advertised minimum requirement for the position.

Dr. BK had seven different racial discrimination cases. In the first two cases the Bank mediated the cases and compensated him financially without admitting fault. In the next three cases the Bank’s Tribunal reviewed his charges of discrimination and summarily dismissed them, but found that the Bank violated its HR procedures in the recruitment process in which Dr. BK was denied higher level positions, and the Tribunal awarded him financial compensation instead. In the last two cases the Tribunal ruled he could not be compensated because he had been compensated in previous similar cases, even though cases six and seven involved separate causes of action that he presented on the merits without relying on any of his previous cases.


Dr. Bo has an exemplary professional career at the Bank. For example, he task managed the influential ‘Can Africa Claim the 21st Century’ report (2000); and co-managed the ‘Evaluation of the Banks Comprehensive Development Framework: CDF’ report (2001). The CDF was a major milestone in development partnership, aimed at enhancing recipient countries’ ownership of their development discourse by moving away from the dysfunctional and ill-fated ex-ante conditionality to ex-post and results-oriented aid relations. The CDF provided the conceptual framework for the Bank’s poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) aid modality. Moreover, as the Bank’s leading expert on the economics of civil wars and conflicts Dr. BO directed four major research projects on the subject during 1999-2008 that produced more than 30 research papers, three books, two special editions of journals, and several policy and operational products.

Having gone through a very extensive competitive process, Dr. Bo was short-listed, interviewed by senior managers and selected to fill the Chief Economist position for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region of the Bank. His appointment was stopped by former President Robert Zoellick, who insisted that the Bank ‘can do even better’ and instructed his senior management team to reopen the competition process and expand the list to include women and candidates with ‘a better name recognition in the MENA region.’ The President’s instruction ‘to do even better’ without clearly defining what that means is a telling example.

After the Bank failed to find a woman candidate who met one of the key selection criteria for the job, ‘deep knowledge about the MENA region,’ the Bank dropped the requirement altogether. Obviously, a candidate without knowledge of the region cannot have name recognition in the region as an expert. Therefore, it, too, was dropped from the criteria and Dr. Bo’s selection was ruled out and the position was given to another candidate. This is blatant discrimination considering the current chief economists for Latin America, East Asia and South Asia regions are from their respective regions with name recognition.

According to the Bank’s definition, ‘discrimination takes place where staff who are in basically similar situations are treated differently.’ Why was Dr. Bo’s appointment treated differently? Why did the search for a candidate ‘with a better name recognition,’ presumably better than Dr. Bo, end up selecting a candidate without name recognition? Did the Bank ‘do even better’ by appointing a candidate who did not meet the two abovementioned selection criteria? Did the Bank ‘do even better’ by not appointing Dr. Bo, who met all the selection criteria?

Dr. Bo’s appointment as Chief Economist would also have served an important diversity objective, of which the Bank’s record is nothing short of appalling. If appointed, Dr. Bo would have been the first Chief Economist of African descent since the inception of the World Bank over 65 years ago.

Each of the above three individuals filed discrimination complaints, but the Tribunal summarily rejected their discrimination claims with abject disregard for the merits of their cases. A further review of the Tribunal’s systemic violation of the due process rights of Blacks is presented with breathtaking evidence by Taye Abayre in an article entitled ‘World Bank: Anatomy of a Criminal Tribunal.’ Suffice it to say that such a persistent, pernicious pattern of denying African staff due process in promotion cases, particularly those cases of African staff occupying the professional levels, whether by Bank management or its Tribunal, firmly institutionalizes the culture of obstructing Africans from influencing global policies that affect their continent’s destiny. Depriving Africa of the wisdom of its own professional development experts leaves it orphaned.

Joint Statement by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights Laureates on the centenary of International Women’s Day

Education is the key to jobs -- to income -- to human dignity itself.
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy spoke these words at the University of Alabama in March 1966, and they still bear a fundamental truth: that human dignity rests on having the opportunity to reach our full potential, and this opportunity, in turn, rests on our access to quality education.

But 45 years later, over half a billion women across the globe have never been given the opportunity to learn to read and write, and millions of girls more are denied even the most basic schooling. This unconscionable situation underpins the key theme of this year’s International Women’s Day: women must be provided equal access to education and training, particularly in the fields of science and technology, in order to create a pathway for a career and a dignified living.

The right to education is enshrined in many of our international covenants: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Convention against Discrimination in Education; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The right to education includes available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable education; but innumerable barriers to education and vocational training for women and girls around the world remain.

The RFK Center is working to eliminate such barriers through its Right to Education program, a joint project with RFK Human Rights Award Laureates in the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Guatemala. In these countries, structural discrimination effectively has deprived many Afro-descendants, indigenous minorities and ethnic minorities -- especially children of migrant workers and internally displaced people -- of even the most rudimentary education. Together, we exert pressure on the governments of these countries and others in the region to comply with their legal obligations to provide equal access to education.

In addition, through the RFK Center’s human rights education initiative, "Speak Truth To Power", students worldwide are being taught that when faced with injustice and inequality they must abandon the role of bystander, and, instead, join today’s heroes as human rights defenders.

As Robert Kennedy urged in his speech at the University of Alabama, we must “ensure that every child learns, to the full limit, his capabilities.”

Today, the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights joins with our courageous Laureates and defenders, and with the rest of world, in honoring the contributions and achievements of women and in urging for more progress in providing women everywhere with equal access to education and opportunities.

Signed By:

Magodonga Mahlangu, Women of Zimbabwe Arise (2009 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Stephen Bradberry, Alliance Institute (2005 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Berenice Celeyta, La Asociación NOMADESC (1998 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Delphine Djiraibe, Public Interest Law Center in Chad (2004 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Abel Barrera Hernandez, Tlachinollan Center (2010 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Doan Viet Hoat, International Institute for Vietnam (1995 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Martin Macwan, Dalit Shakti Kendra (2000 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Dr. Mohammed, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (2007 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Sonia Pierre, MUDHA (Movement of Dominican Women of Haitian Descent) (2006 RFK Human Rights Laureate)
Loune Viaud, Zanmi Lasante (2002 RFK Human Rights Laureate)