Wednesday, July 17, 2013

ICC President’s Message - Day of International Criminal Justice

Judge Sang-Hyun Song © ICC-CPI/ Hans Hordijk
As the President of the International Criminal Court (ICC), I am proud to celebrate the Day of International Criminal Justice on 17 July 2011.
Thirteen years ago, the international community came together at a historic conference in Rome to adopt the Rome Statute of the ICC. States and civil society from all continents joined forces to put an end to impunity for the gravest crimes known to humankind. In 2002, the ICC opened its doors in The Hague, Netherlands.

Today, the ICC is a major international institution securing justice for victims when it cannot be delivered at the national level. Investigations in six country situations concern shocking allegations such as mass murder, rape, torture and the use of child soldiers. The total number of suspects that have appeared before the judges has doubled in the last six months. The first trial is concluding with the closing arguments set to be heard next month.

Support for the ICC is growing around the world. 114 nations have already joined the Rome Statute and Grenada and Tunisia will become the next two States Parties later this summer. Several other countries have announced their intention to follow in the near future.

During the past year, I have met with representatives of governments, civil society and regional organisations in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and most recently the Arab world. Time after time, I have found the goals of the Rome Statute resonate strongly regardless of culture, language or nationality.

Everywhere, people want peace, justice, rule of law and respect for human dignity. The ICC represents the gathering of nations in a community of values and aspirations for a more secure future for children, women and men around the world.

Let us remember our spirit of solidarity while we celebrate our achievements. Let us remind ourselves that while much progress has been achieved, the road ahead remains long and demanding.

We must be united in our resolve to defeat impunity and the lawlessness, brutality and disdain for human dignity that it represents. We must persevere.

In the name of all people working for the International Criminal Court, I am proud to be part of the global justice movement. I call on States and people everywhere to join this common cause.

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