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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Somaliland: Genel Lorry Causes Multiple Vehicle Accident

Genel Trucks
By: Yusuf M Hasan
SHEIKH – Several people escaped with their lives after a high speeding Genel Energy Truck hit the public transport vehicle they were travelling in at the Sheikh meandering road.

The accident that saw a Genel truck seemingly escaping from Burao to a destination yet unexplained hit a public transport vehicle model NOAH with 12 passengers on board who narrowly escaped with their lives but with minor injuries.

The accident was exacerbated after another seemingly escaping Genel Truck piled itself onto of the mayhem on the road thus further endangering the lives of the 12 citizens whose NOAH vehicle was now seesawing on the edge of the thousands foot long cliff.

Neither the now mysterious Genel energy nor the government has yet released a statement as to the circumstances surrounding this accident nor why the big Genel Trucks were in a rush to get out of Toghdeer region.

But the biggest mystery of all is why vehicles owned by Genel Energy which is a private company have red plated numbers that are usually assigned to international humanitarian and development organizations thus tax not paid for.

Source:  Somalilandsun

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