Thursday, August 15, 2013

Egypt: HORNWATCH condemns the mass killings of Egypt civilian protesters in Cairo by Egyptian Security Forces

 Immediate Release:

Africa Ref: 123/2013
Date: 15 August 2013


In the early morning of 14 August 2013, Egyptian security forces started to clear the Muslim Brotherhood’s six week long sit-ins in Rabaa Mosque Square in Nasr City, east of Cairo, and Nahda Square. The sit-ins had been set up by protesters demonstrating against the removal on 3 July of elected President Mohammed Morsi, his continuing detention and the suspension of the 2012 Constitution.

As result of the violent intervention by the security forces, unconfirmed numbers of civilians have reportedly been killed by live ammunition, and a higher number of civilians have been seriously injured. According to the independent source received by HORNWATCH at least 1500 civilian people killed and nearly 3680 injured. The Ministry of the Interior has also reported that six security officers have been killed by armed protesters.  

"HORNWATCH condemns in the strongest terms possible the killings of protesters in Cairo Rabaa Mosque and Nahda squares and the use of excessive and disproportionate force by the security forces.

We see the Egypt Military and the security forces violent intervention as intension genocide against Egypt civilian protesters, the black days of Egyptian begun now” said Mr. Suleiman Bolaleh, HORNWATCH Chairperson.

In response to the situation, the Egyptian interim Government declared a month-long state of emergency across the country.

“The appalling scenes in Cairo today were predictable, and so is the massive number of casualties, number that is likely to rise in the days and weeks to come. The killings were brought about by the military coup of 3 July, itself preceded by one year of bad governance and attacks on fundamental freedoms.  The logical outcome of the events of the last month has been sadly unfolding: a spiral of increasing sectarian violence and mass killings and the nominal return of the Army to power, signifying the failure of the first phase of democratic transition post Arab Spring in Egypt.
The State of Emergency is not only unlikely to bring about any solution to the political crisis in Egypt, it could well and on its own deepen it even further away from the democratic ideals of the 2011 protesters in Tahir Square. Indeed, one of the achievements of the 2011 revolution had been the lifting of the state of emergency that had been in place in the country for decades and under which the Egyptian authorities had arbitrarily detained people who spoke out, tortured them, and censored independent news.

HORNWATCH calls on the Egyptian Interim government and Army to:

1.     Lift the state of emergency and fully comply with applicable international law;

2.     In any case, ensure that the right to freedom of expression and information of all is fully protected and guaranteed. The rights of journalists and the media must be protected; journalists should be allowed them to report without fear and censorship;

3.     Fully respect its obligation under international law which clearly state that even in time of emergency,  authorities must protect the right to life and freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  This means that the state must refrain from arbitrarily detaining people, torturing them, engaging in other reprisals against them, or denying them their right to fair trial;

4.     Immediately release former President Morsi and all other political prisoners;

5.     Take meaningful and trustworthy steps towards initiating a national dialogue inclusive of all political forces and civil society;

6.     Cease the shutting down of pro-Morsi satellite stations, and the tight censorship on the state broadcasting;

7.     Conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the excessive use of force, including the killing of protestors and the killings of the two journalists;

8.     Investigate sectarian violence, including those against members of the Coptic community and bring all those responsible to justice.

HORNWATCH urges all political forces in Egypt, including the Muslim Brotherhood, to truthfully work towards getting out of the current impasse and spiral of violence through dialogue and negotiations.

HORNWATCH calls on the international community, including the United Nations, to take a pro-active role in ensuring an end to the political and human rights crisis by supporting an inclusive political dialogue and solution.  A possible model could be that followed for Yemen in 2012 when the UN Security Council supported the appointment of a Special Adviser and of a team of UN experts to support the implementation of the transition process, and provide advice to the parties in support of the National Dialogue process.

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