New York Times and The
New Yorker are desperately trying to revive the story of the
so-called “Genocide Fax” of January 11, 1994. It seems to indicate that they
can’t find anything better to defend their official story of the Rwandan
tragedy. With the author’s permission, Baraka Books is offering to the public
the excerpt from Rwanda
and the New Scramble for Africa concerning Philip Gourevitch’s
story of that fax. The excerpt is from chapter 5 entitled “A Coup by Any Other
Name …”
A Coup by Any Other Name…
… all on the basis of a single childish accusation, that
idiotic bordereau…since almost all the so-called secrets that had supposedly been turned over to the enemy were of no value.
Émile Zola, J’accuse
Émile Zola, J’accuse
One fine spring day in 1998 the ring of a fax interrupted
Philip Gourevitch, staff writer with The New Yorker. Some unknown
source surprisingly sent him a copy of a document that reporters and
investigators had been trying to track down for years. It was the answer from
the New York office of the United Nations Peace Keeping Operations to the fax
that General Romeo Dallaire sent on January 11, 1994, which supposedly warned
UN authorities of an imminent genocide in Rwanda.
In his
much-cited article in The New Yorker entitled “The Genocide
Fax,” and then again in his book, [1] Gourevitch
attempted to show that the UN leaders knew there would be a genocide because
Dallaire had explicitly warned them after obtaining trustworthy information
from a “big fish” by the name of Jean-Pierre. He also tried to prove that the
same United Nations leaders chose to do nothing other than inform President
Habyarimana and foreign embassies in Kigali. In a nutshell, a “very very
important government politician,” to use Dallaire’s word, had put Dallaire in
contact with a senior cadre of the President’s MRND party and its militia.
Troubled by a guilty conscience, Jean-Pierre apparently decided to spill the
According to Gourevitch’s story, Rwandan leaders were
planning to provoke a civil war by assassinating selected political leaders and
Belgian troops. The informer, Jean-Pierre, apparently suspected that the
same leaders were drawing up lists of Tutsis in order to exterminate them. He
also said that with his small staff he could kill up to two thousand Tutsis in
twenty minutes. Weapons were hidden throughout Kigali and could even be found
at the MRND headquarters. In return for this information, the mysterious
Jean-Pierre only wanted to obtain UN protection for him and his family.
This was the golden nugget, the first documentary evidence
to be found from the period before April 1994. Finally a piece of paper proved
the existence of a comprehensive plan to exterminate Rwandan Tutsis, just as
the Nazi’s had left a paper trail of documentary evidence proving their
intention to exterminate the Jews. What’s more, UN Secretary General Boutros
Boutros-Ghali and his successor Kofi Annan, who then headed peacekeeping
operations, were fully informed of the imminent genocide. Instead of taking
immediate action, as the fax most obviously would have required, both
Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan preferred typical UN bureaucratic inaction. They
did not even inform the Security Council. As a result of their turpitude, the
international community was caught unprepared for the apocalypse a few months
Thanks to investigations by the intrepid Philip Gourevitch
the truth was now out and therefore we should all apologize profusely for our
inaction during the genocide that was so clearly foretold. Fortunately,
President Clinton and his Secretary of State Madeleine Albright apologized for
us when they gracefully visited Central Africa in 1998.
That’s how “right and proper tale” goes, but what really
“Neither General Dallaire nor I ever met that famous
Jean-Pierre,” said the fax’s very very important government politician in
an interview in Brussels. “I told Dallaire about this story I had heard and
about the informer. Dallaire sent one of his assistants to meet him and two
days later he came and told me that they had found a few guns. The UN was not
about to provide protection for him.” That doubly important government
politician was Faustin Twagiramungu, leader of the opposition MDR party and
prime minister designate.
For Mr. Twagiramungu the tale of Jean-Pierre reveals a
terrible contempt for Africa and Africans. “I provided information to the UN
Mission in Rwanda, but I never spoke about massacres or extermination of
Tutsis. A fax is then sent to New York with reference to the extermination of
Tutsis. Nobody talked to me about that. Except for a few words from Dallaire, I
heard nothing more about this business for several years.” [2] On
February 25, 1998 in Arusha General Dallaire confirmed under oath that he had
never met Jean-Pierre.
Jean-Pierre’s real name was Abubakar Turatsinze. He
had been hired by the MRND as a chauffeur mainly because he was Muslim and
would not likely drink and drive. Since Jean-Pierre was a good talker and had
some success with the youth wing, the MRND gave him certain responsibilities in
that area. In November 1993, however, suspecting that “Jean-Pierre” was
peddling information to others, the national secretary of the MRND, Joseph
Nzirorera, fired him. He was reengaged by another leader to accomplish small
tasks. Soon after Jean-Pierre indirectly informed Faustin Twagiramungu,
chairman of the main party opposed to the MRND, that the leaders of the MRND
were targeting him for assassination. His authority for such a statement was
that he worked for the MRND, yet he had been fired two months earlier and was
perceived to be unreliable. Faustin Twagiramungu suspected a trap was
being set to provoke confrontation between his own party and President
Habyarimana’s MRND. He was also aware of the danger of circulating unfounded
accusations. This prompted him to inform the UN Mission, which was responsible
for investigating these types of reports.
Romeo Dallaire sent Colonel Luc Marchal, the Belgian
commander of UNAMIR troops in the Kigali area, to meet Jean-Pierre/Abubakar
Turatsinze on January 10 in the evening along with Captain Amadou Deme. They
also visited the MRND offices and saw a number of light weapons, which was
perfectly normal for security purposes. Luc Marchal believed Jean-Pierre’s
story and relayed the information to Dallaire who sent the famous fax without
counterchecking or investigating the story any further.
The promoters of the “right and proper tale” unfailingly
forget to mention that the main reason Dallaire sent an urgent fax to New York
was to get advice from his superiors. This was fully understandable.
Dallaire had no experience in this area, he had reservations about the informer’s
credibility and he suspected a trap. Here are the sections of the fax that have
been studiously omitted from the “right and proper tale.”
It was normal for Dallaire and Marchal to request guidance
from their superiors. Marchal had been in Rwanda since the end of November—one
month. Dallaire had arrived at the end of October—two months. How could either
determine the veracity of detailed information about the political parties in a
country they knew little about and in which everything went on in a language
they did not understand?
The following day Dallaire’s superiors in New York advised
him in a fax to inform President Habyarimana and to warn him of the risk that
armed militias represented for the implementation of the Arusha Peace Accord.
They also suggested that he communicate the same information to the main
foreign embassies in Kigali. Nothing that Jean-Pierre predicted came about. If
he had spoken about plans to assassinate President Habyarimana, perhaps his
predictions would have warranted greater attention. But no mention is made of
the upcoming assassination. The advice of Dallaire’s superiors therefore seems
simple, reasonable, and wise.
The “very very important” Rwanda politician, Faustin
Twagiramungu, thinks that the Jean-Pierre story is totally false and that there
was absolutely no planning of a genocide. What’s more, he told Philip
Gourevitch as much before The New Yorker article on “The
Genocide Fax” appeared and before Gourevitch published his book on the Rwandan
tragedy. The New Yorker staff writer did not bother quoting
him even though he was at the heart of the whole story. Was Jean-Pierre just
trying to obtain favours in return for information? Did he want a visa for the
United States or Canada? Whatever the case may be, his story resembles so many
others in every country in the world. It is the story of the clerk, driver or
telephone operator who works for important and powerful people and glorifies
his role and position to win influence, notoriety and, sometimes, financial
gain. The possibility that he was an RPF “plant” cannot be eliminated.
The story of Jean-Pierre is at best dubious, but what can be
said about the content of Dallaire’s fax and the questions it raises? What
about the alleged preparations to exterminate Tutsis? What about the alleged
armed militias and political assassinations? What about President Habyarimana’s
loss of control of elements of his own party? And what about the lists? The
whole picture would appear very sinister.
Faustin Twagiramungu never heard of any intentions to
exterminate the Tutsis as Jean-Pierre described in detail to Colonel Luc
Marchal. [3] He
also testified to this effect under oath at the ICTR. In other testimony before
the ICTR, Belgian Colonel Frank Claeyes, who also met Jean-Pierre, stated that
he had never seen any lists and that after January 11 Abubakar
Turatsinze/Jean-Pierre refused to produce the lists he had talked about even
though Claeyes asked specifically for them or for samples every time they met.
Other prosecution witnesses testified under oath that Turatsinze was active in
the flourishing black market arms trade in Kigali.
Turatsinze undoubtedly knew that a Rwandan politician like
Prime Minister designate Faustin Twagiramungu was familiar with the RPF and its
tactics, just as he was with the other Rwandan political formations. He could
not be easily fooled into believing such a story. On the other hand, Luc
Marchal and Romeo Dallaire who had just arrived and new virtually nothing about
Rwanda were much more gullible. The Belgian peacekeeper later wrote about how
he had been “taken in by the RPF’s formidable propaganda” ever since the Arusha
negotiations. [4]
Pro-RPF publications abounded with accusations similar to
those made by Jean-Pierre. The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s goal was to prepare
Western public opinion to accept and support the resumption of war since it
knew very well that it could never win power in democratic elections. During
the period prior to Jean-Pierre’s meeting with Luc Marchal, pro-RPF
publications such as Isibo [5] ran
articles closely resembling descriptions made by Jean-Pierre. Nearly twenty
years after the events and despite long and detailed trials of alleged génocidaires in
Arusha and elsewhere, absolutely no evidence of the planning or intention of
exterminating Rwandan Tutsis has been found or presented. Philip Gourevitch,
who has been one of the RPF’s main cheerleaders, explicitly recognized this
when he insisted that his “genocide fax” from Dallaire was the most important
documentary evidence of an extermination plan.
How and why did Gourevitch’s so-called genocide fax mutate
into one of the elements of the official narrative? [6] The
fax Dallaire sent to his superiors in New York remained more or less
confidential until November 1995 when it was mentioned in The Observerin
London. A copy of it then appeared in a Belgian publication and several
questions about it were raised during the inquiry conducted by the Belgian
Senate. Although nobody had a copy of the reply from UN headquarters in New
York, the contents of the reply were known.
For former Secretary General Boutros-Ghali, “that story of
the fax is greatly exaggerated. There was not only one fax. Every day the UN
would receive faxes saying ‘We heard there’s a plot afoot…’” He added that if
there was a plot afoot, Security Council member countries were much better
informed than the UN Secretary General because, unlike the UN, they have
intelligence gathering services. “What’s more, they refuse to share their
information!” [7]
Late in 1997 and early in 1998, the United States was being
severely criticized for its role in the Rwandan tragedy and in the Congo.
Hearings in the French National Assembly and the Belgian Senate led to
irritating headlines and pointed attacks on the Clinton Administration. In
spring 1998, in Washington, the House Committee on International Relations
wanted to question the Administration about Washington’s inaction during the
Rwandan tragedy in 1994. Neither the State Department nor the Defense
Department deigned to appear at the public hearings held by the House
Committee. Their refusal angered members of Congress.
Astoundingly, Philip Gourevitch’s fax machine happened to
ring at that very moment and out came the much sought-after UN reply to General
Romeo Dallaire. Gourevitch published his “scoop” in The New Yorker coincidentally
during the very week that hearings were being held in Washington about the United
States’ role in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Here’s how Gourevitch
explained it all. He first quoted UN spokesman Fred Eckhard to the effect that
the UN was getting “a bum rap on this,” then he added, “Somebody with access to
UN files disagreed with Eckhard, and one day my fax machine rang and a copy of
the missing …” [8]
People have not asked Mr. Gourevitch how and why he happened
to receive the missing reply, and he has not volunteered to tell us. The fax
most likely came from Jamie Rubin, Madeleine Albright’s senior press attaché
and right-hand man, who at that time was Gourevitch’s brother-in-law.
Jamie Rubin is the man who the Clinton Administration
charged in March 1995 to devise a plan to prevent Boutros Boutros-Ghali from
obtaining a second term as Secretary General of the United Nations. Rubin had
contacts in all the major media in Washington and New York and never hesitated
to use them to leak information to attack Boutros-Ghali within the UN. His
overriding strategy however was to protect and promote Madeleine
Albright. [9] Moreover,
Jamie Rubin confirmed his tight relationship with Philip Gourevitch to New
York Times reporter and author Howard French. In a 1997 press briefing
while he was accompanying Madeleine Albright in Rwanda and the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Jamie Rubin said to French: “Actually a lot of my take
comes from an even better source (than US intelligence), and it comes directly.
Philip Gourevitch is my sister’s boyfriend.” [10]
The State Department and Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright were in hot water over Rwanda. The best way to divert the attacks was
to pass the buck on to the United Nations and to Boutros-Ghali. At the same
time, they could also let Kofi Annan know that he too was on a short leash.
Annan after all was responsible for UN peacekeeping operations at the time. The
spin given to the fax story in The New Yorker could be summed
up as follows: We in Washington are not guilty of having supported a murderous
invading army that has spread death and destruction throughout central Africa.
It’s those incompetent UN bureaucrats and especially that secretary general who
did not take the obvious necessary measures to stop those horrible génocidaires from
carrying out their evil plans. They did nothing even though they were sitting
on unquestionable documentary evidence of a planned genocide. They did not even
inform the international community.
The strategy used by Washington to hide its own evildoing is
tried and proven. In 2002, when it was preparing war on Iraq, Washington
launched a similar message: “We don’t want to destroy Iraq, take over the
country, and put in an American puppet. It’s the United Nations resolutions
that demanded we do so.”
Washington’s strategy has unfortunately been quite
successful even though it does not stand up to analysis. The power of the
United Nations is very limited. The CIA alone spends more in ten days than the
UN spends in a year: 1.2 billion US dollars. [11]Ramsey
Clark points out that, “since the end of the Cold War the US is so dominant in
the UN that it is almost a tool, a small tool, and it has a lot bigger ones
like its bombs and its aircraft to get its way around the world.”
In that January 11 fax Romeo Dallaire reported that
according to Jean-Pierre President Habyarimana did “not have full control over
all elements of his old party/faction.” He could, and perhaps should, have
written that the president no longer had any control over the country.
Decision-making power for Rwanda was now everywhere but in
the hands of Rwandans in Kigali. Between October 1, 1990 and April 6, 1994
foreign powers led by the United States had effectively disempowered Rwandans
who had worked for thirty-five years to build a state apparatus and a society
that worked relatively well and met the needs and aspirations of the people of
Rwanda. Yet the so-called donor institutions had decided that the economic
model had to be changed. A strong state with an interventionist bent was to
become a tiny administrative unit, even if it meant social upheaval and loss of
power for the Hutu majority. Next came the political model imposed by Western
powers even though the country had been invaded under their noses and with
their support and was still occupied by a hostile foreign army. The same powers
then forced the Rwandan government to sit down and negotiate the transfer of
power to an invading army that, at best, represented a small minority of the
Rwandan population.
Time passed and the occupying army continued to take new
land. The civilian population was chased out of their homes. The country, its
president and government, and all Rwandans who refused to accept being ruled by
the invading army were vilified throughout the world. While the occupying
army killed, deported, and terrorized the population, right-thinking Europeans
and North Americans became international mouthpieces for the attacks while
regularly adding their own slander. Their words became daggers aimed at the
jugular of Rwandan society. Friendly countries turned their backs after thirty
years of co-operation and became cozy with the occupying army, soon to be
characterized as a beacon of hope for Africa in the new millennium.
By April 1994, on the eve of President Habyarimana’s
assassination, Rwanda was in total disarray. The country’s leaders had no power
to decide on their future. The new political parties were in crisis, jockeying
for position and influence. The economy was shattered. The war raged on and
more than a million people were displaced. Armed groups were everywhere, each
establishing its own laws, while the United Nations peacekeeping mission
responsible for disarming them could not, or would not, carry out its mandate.
The amplification of the importance of the dubious story of
Jean-Pierre and Dallaire’s fax must be contrasted with the trivialization of
the crime that triggered the massacres in Rwanda in April 1994. [12] Whereas
none of the details or causal links in the former story have been established
despite years of court hearings, we know that a sophisticated and well-armed
organization planned, organized, and executed on April 6, 1994 the
assassination of two African heads of State which had terrible direct
consequences. Yet the powers that be would rather see that crime remain a
footnote in history.
Buy Robin Philpot’s Rwanda
and the New Scramble for Africa From Tragedy to Useful Imperial
Fiction. The book is also available on the Global Research online store.
[1] Gourevitch,
Philip, We Wish to Inform you that Tomorrow we Will Be Killed with our
Families. Stories from Rwanda, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998.
[2] Interview
with Faustin Twagiramungu, November 22, 2002.
[3] Colonel Luc Marchal, Rwanda :
la descente aux enfers, Témoignage d’un peacekeeper, décembre 1993 – avril 1994,
Paris Éditions Labor, 2001, pages 165 à 176.
[4] Letter
from Luc Marchal to Alain de Brouwer written in July 1998 quoted by de Brouwer
in a document about the organization of International Christian Democrats and
the war in Rwanda, October 2002.
[5] James K. Gasana, op. cit.
p. 238.
[6] To
appreciate the power of a false story, in 2000 a group of “experts” published a
book entitled The Path of a Genocide, still used in schools and
universities, in which the January 11, 1994 cable is printed in its entirety
right after the editors’ preface as though it were incontestable proof of the
case about to be made.
[7] Interview
with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, November 9, 2004.
[8] The
Genocide Fax, The New Yorker, May 11, 1998, p. ??.
[9] Michael
Dobbs, Madeleine Albright. A Twentieth Century Odyssey, Henry Holt
& Company, 1999, pages 364 à 365.
[10] Howard
French, A Continent for the Taking, Knopf, 2004 p. 243.
[11] Ibid.
p 365. Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali complained that the
CIA spent as much every day as the UN in a whole year. Madeleine Albright’s
biographer corrected him by pointing out that it was every ten days and not
every day.
[12] In
a sad attempt to mimic the paper trail left by the Nazis regarding their
genocidal project some have conferred upon the dubious “genocide fax” and
“Jean-Pierre” a sacred role in their narrative. Kofi Annan, in his ingratiating
effort to maintain credibility among Western powers, quotes the in full in his
memoirs Interventions: A Life in War and Peace (Penguin 2012),
as if his feigned candour could make the story true
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