Wednesday, September 11, 2013

FUNDING OPPURTUNTIY: UNICEF Internet Safety Competition for Young People Worldwide

Deadline- 16 September 2013
UNICEF is organizing a competition on ‘Be the brain behind the next VOY Citizens video.’ This competition is organized  to give young people the chance to help uscreate a powerful awareness raising video about internet safety.
UNICEF is looking for ideas – not videos themselves. The winning idea will be created into a video by UNICEF. This video will be used by UNICEF and its partners to advocate for smart and safe use of the internet among young people, and the winner’s name will be included in the video credit and in the media buzz that will be created.
Themes covered-
  • Cyberbullying
  • Self-exposure
  • Grooming & online reputation
  • Privacy and information protection
Eligibility & Criteria-
  • The competition is open to all young people aged 14-25.
  • Concepts can be submitted in English, Spanish and French.
  • There is no monetary prize. The winning concept will be used by UNICEF to produce a 30 second animated awareness raising video.
  • One concept will be selected by a panel of judges from UNICEF, ITU and Mastercard. The judges’ decision is final.
  • The top 10 concepts will be featured on the Voices of Youth website and the BYND2015 Google+ community for a period of one week before the winner is selected.
  • Concepts will be judged on originality, simplicity and suitability.
  • The video will be available on UNICEF Voices of Youth and ITU Child Online Protection website and social media channels.
  • The creator of the concept (the winner) will be credited for his/her role in developing the concept in the video description.
  • The final sign-off on the actual animated video will be made by UNICEF.
  • The creator of the concept (the winner) may be asked to be featured on the UNICEF Voices of Youth website and social media platforms.

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