Wednesday, July 17, 2013

AU High-Level Panel for Egypt holds inaugural meeting

The African Union (AU) High-Level Panel for Egypt on Tuesday held its inaugural meeting. According to AU’s statement, the panel is established by the Chairperson of the AU Commission in response to the situation in that country.
The meeting was attended by the three members of the Panel, namely former President of Mali and former Chairperson of the AUC Alpha Oumar Konare, Former President of Botswana, Gontebanye Festus Mogae and Former Prime Minister of Djibouti Dileita Dileita Mohamed.
Alpha Oumar Konare chairs the panel. The AU Commissioner for Peace and Security also participated in the meeting.
The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the modalities of interaction with international partners, notably the League of Arab States to facilitate a coordinated and effective support for an inclusive transition leading to a rapid return to constitutional order.

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