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Friday, June 28, 2013

Somaliland: SBF Round 2 Call for Proposals

The Somaliland Business Fund-SBF is offering a second Call for Proposals for Grant Funding from June 21 to August 10, 2013

SBF Round 2

The SBF is offering a second Call for Proposals for Grant Funding from June 21 to August 10, 2013. The application form can be found below...just download, complete and email to

During this outreach period, there will be multiple training sessions offered by the SBF throughout Somaliland to explain how our application and selection process works. The communities will include Hargeisa, Borama, Burao, Berbera, Las Anod, Erigavo, Gabiley and Wajale. Please see this website for posted dates/place/times, or call our office.
In the course of receiving grant application proposals SBF shall in the meantime conduct information sessions in various towns of Somaliland geared towards explaining how the grant application and selection process works titled "How to Complete A Concept Note"

The grant application form can be found and downloaded at the SBF site and  once completed  submit to email to

"During this outreach period, there will be multiple training sessions offered by the SBF throughout Somaliland to explain how our application and selection process works. The communities will include Hargeisa, Borama, Burao, Berbera, Las Anod, Erigavo, Gabile and Wajale. Please see this website for posted dates/place/times, or call our office"

To for more details  for the Information Session on How to Complete a Concept Note click and scheduel Here
Alternately you can call 063 485 0660 or drop by SBF office Mansoor Hotel, Hargeisa

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