Thursday, March 14, 2013


Minesota - Hayad fadhigeedu yahay  waddanka Belgum ayaa dhowaan u dirtay magaalada Muqdisho  howl-wadeen hayaddaasi ka socda  si uu baaritaan  ugu soo sameeyo  Howl-gallada nabad gelyada lagu sugayo iyo saamaynta dadka shicibka ah ay ku yeelato. Howl-wadeenkaasi ayaa muddadii uu Muqdisho joogay ,waxa uu waraysiyo kala duwan la yeeshay dadka ku waxyeeloobay howl-galadaasi Militeri,dad cusbataalada ku jira ,Ciidanka Bilayska,Militeriga iyo weliba Haydadaha ajaanibka ah ee qaabilsan  nabad gelyada Somaliya .

Haddaba howl-wadeenkaasi Muqdisho tegay ayaa waxaa soo food saaray arrin kale oo dhabbana-hays ku noqotay oo kaba sii daran tii uu daba socday  ee dhinaca nabad gelyada ku saabsanayd . Musuqmaasuq kobcay ,oo baaxad weyn ku yeeshay  xukuumadihii dalka isaga danbeeyey  oo ku laxaadsaday ibihii dhaqaalaha iyo hantidii qaranka iyo tii shacabka soomalida oo dad gaar ahi ay ku mabeen ,kana sameeyeen Malaayiin Dollar oo aanay biyo u soo kaban  ama ku soo tabcin.

Howl-wadeenkaasi ayaa warbixin uu qoray ku soo bandhigay liiska magacyada 11 qof oo isugu jira ,ganacsato,xildhibaano,Dublamaasiyiin iyo mas?uuliyiin kale ,kuwaasi oo ragaadiyey halbowlayaashii dhaqaale ee Soomaaliya oo markii horeba la kacaa kufaysay  Saboolnimo iyo loolan siyaasadeed  iyo kursi jacayl lagu baab?iyo dhaqaale wax u qaban lahaa carruuro badan oo Soomaali ah oo maanta ay ka maqan tahay  kaalintii wax barasho iyo tii caafimaadba .Sagaal ka mid ah liiska dadka hantida waddanka dhacay ka akhriso hoos.   


1- Khadija Cali Cosoble

Warbixinta ayaa qortay in Khadija iyo saygeeduba ay magac xumo dhulka ku jiideen magacii Soomaaliya.Labadooduba  waxay  samaysteen shirkado ay ka mid yihiin SAACID,DEEQA, IYO SAADEEQ. Shirkadda Saacid ,waxa ay caan ku tahay qaybinta deeqaha raashin ee caalamku siiyo dadka tabaalaysan ee ku waxyeelooba  Abaaraha ama dagaalada . Dhinaca kale ,Khadiija,Saygeeda iyo walaalkeedba  waxa ay cuntada iyo Shiidaalkaba siiyaan oo gaarsiiyaan  AMISOM. Waxay malaayiin Dollar ka helaan qandaraasyo ay ka qaataan AMISOM.

Haatan Khadiija  Cali Cosoble ,waxaa baaritaan ku haya FBI iyo haydda  UNMG oo iyadu qaabilsan deeqaha la lunsado iyo lacagaha la is daba mariyo.

Lacago laba Million oo Dollar ku dhow ayay Khadija Cosoble ku bixisay tartankii doorashada madaxweynanimo ee Somaliya oo uu walaalked jagadaasi isu soo taagay .Khadiija Cali Cosoble,waxaa warbixintu ay qoraysaa inay socod iyo tamashleba ay daasha-daashooto Guri hal Million oo Dollar oo   ay ka bixisay oo ku yaalla xaafadha raaxada loo tago ee magaalada Nairobi.

2- GENERAL C/LAAHI  GAAFOW  MAXAMUUD: Gaafow,xilligan waxaa baaritaan ku haya hayadda  UNMG, baaritaankaasi oo ku saabsan   lacago uu isdaba mariyeyiyo musuqmaasuq  uu lacago ku hantiyey . Gaafoow laanta socdalka ee Soomaaliya  waxa uu ka shaqaynayey ilaa iyo 35 sano .Xafiiskiisu waxa uu gaaray  meel aan dowladduba gaarin ama hiigsan .Waxa warbixintu ay qortay in  Gaafoow  uu meel walba ku haysto Qalabka ama Aaladaha Baasboorka lagu daabaco .Wuxuu ka baayac-mushtaraa oo iibiyaa Baasa-boorada Soomaaliga .Waxa kale oo uu ka qaataa  lacag ,dadka uu siiyey qalabka Baasa-boorka lagu daabaco ,waxa dadkaasi ugu tun weyn ,wasiirka warfaafinta ee Somalia xilligan,Mr Ciil-Mooge.

General Gaafow, waxa uu heshiis dhaqaale xoog leh uu la saxiixday labada safaaradood ee Soomalidu ku leedahay  magaalada Nairobi iyo Dubai.Lacagahaasi  waxay toos u galaan xisaabtiisa Bangiga .Warbixintu waxa y intaasi ku dartay in wasiirka ganacsiga ee Somaliya aanuu awood u lahayn in uu heshiisyadan  isagu galo.

3- MAXAMED DAYLAAF:  Waa ganacsade  Malaayiin Dollar ka sameeyey ,hayadda WFP, Wuxuu ka mid ahaa saddex nin oo ku guulaystay 80% 200 oo Million oo Dolar  hayadda WFP ay Qandaraas ku bixisay . Xilligan lagu jiro Mr Daylaaf waxa uu ku andacoonayaa inuu isagu masuul ka yahay  Shiidaalkii hore ee dowladdii Maxamed Siyaad Barra dowladiisa ee dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho .Qaybaha shiidaalka ee dekedda ku jira ayaa ahaa mid la xiray muddo 20 sano ka badan ,iyada oo Khubarada Calamku ay ku taliyeen inaan la taataaban shiidaalkaasi . Haseyeeshee waxaa lingaxa ka jaray oo jabsaday dhaqlaheediina  jeebka ku shubtay  Mr Daylaaf .

4- MAXAMUUD CUMAR CADDAANI;  Mr Caddaani, Sida Khadija, Deylaaf, Ambasador Cali Americo, Amb Shiikhaaley ayaa isagana ay baaritaan ku wadaan UNMG. Mr Caddaani wuxuu dekedda Ceel-Macaan muddo dheer ka dhoofsanayey Dhuxusha iyo Riyaha. Dhoofinta dhuxushiisa ayaa sabab looga dhigaa mushkiladdii ka dhex oogantay Masuuliyiinta  Jubba-land iyo madaxweyne Xasan Sh.Waxana Caddaani Kismaayo u tiillay  dhuxul aad u badan .

5-MAXAMUUD CALI GABAYRE: Mr Gabayre, waxa shaqsiyan uu iska dhaadhiciyey  inuu yahay madaxa rugta ganacsiga ee Somaliya iyada oo aanay cidina u magacaabin. Waa ganacsade qaabilsan dhoofinta iyo keenidda shiidaalka. Waxa uu ganacsiga ka bilaabay xoolo iyo hanti dowladdii Somaliya laga bililiqaystay,waxana uu qabsaday  Bakhaaro waaweyn oo ay lahayd wakaaladdii ADC,taasi oo ay lahayd wasaaraddii ganacsiga . Marna kiro ama ijaar Bakhaaradaasi kama bixin .Ninkani waa uu aad u dhibaa Ra?isal wasaarayaasha isaga oo dadka ku kiciya ama saxmad ku aloosa. Wuxuu abuuraa in aan canshuur la bixin ,canshuurta Dekedda ka timaadana waxa uu ka dhigaa wax ganacsatada gacanteeda soo gala. Wuxuu shir u qabtay ganacasatda iyo maal qabeenada Muqdisho. Waxana uu madaxweynaha u ururiyey hanti dhan hal million iyo Nus ku dhowaad  laaluush ah. si xaalku u noqdo af-wax cunay xishoo.

6- AMB MAXAMED CALI AMERICO(Haysta dhalasho Canada ah);

Danjire, Maxamed Cali Americo waxaa lagu eedeeyaa ,inuu xado oo bililiqaysto deeqaha reer Galbeedku ay u soo gudbiyaan dadka macaluushu ku habsatay ee Somalida ,waxana warbixintu ay qoraysaa inuu Cali Americo duhurka cad deeqahaasi uu uga iibiyo magaalada Mombasa iyo suuqyada kale ee dalka Kenya .Waxa kale oo Danjire Maxamed Cali America uu lacag badan ka sameeyaa waraaqaha sharciyada iyo Baasaboorada ,waxana ilo xogogaal ahi ay sheegeen,in bishii ay soo gasho inta u dhaxaysa konton ilaa toddobaatan kun oo Dollar . Lacagahaasi baaxadda lihi marna kuma dhacaan khasnadda dowladda Somaliya.

Danjire Maxamed Cali Americo ,si aan looga bedelin jagada uu hayo ee safiirka Somalida ee Kenya,waxa uu lacag laaluusha uu siiyaa ,wasaaradda  arrimaha debedda ee Kenya,taasi oo keentay in marar badan oo la isku dayey in la bedelo ,loo caal waayey ,dabeetana faraha laga qaaday .

7-CAASHA XAAJI CILMI:(haysata dhalasho Kenya ah): Waa afada u dhaxday Ra?isal wasaaraha Waa haweenay adadag oo meel walba gasha ,shaqaalaha Ra?isal wasaruhu waxay ku naanaysaan "Gabadhii Birta ama xadiidka ahayd"  Caasho waxay saaxiib isu dhow yihiin Khadiija Cosoble. Waxaa la yiraahdaa  shookaanta laga wado wasaaradaha iyo madaxtooyaduba  waa qolka Caasha Xaaji Cilmi.  Waxay door weyn ku leedahay  go?aanada siyaasadeed ee  dowladda.  Caasha waxay shaqaalaysay Kamal Guutaale oo ah nin dhallin yaro ah oo madaxweynaha u ah  Madaxa wasiirada,,kaasi oo u soo gudbiya Caasha go?aanada iyo qorshayaasha dowladda ka hor inta aan wax tallaabo siyaasadeed ah ama go?aan ah  dowladdu ku tallaabsan

Caasha iyada oo og gal daloolooyinka iyo daciifnimada ninkeeda ee shaqada loo dhiibay oo ka weyn ayay iyadu la shirtaa oo la kulantaaa Danjirayaasha  shisheeyaha,,golaha wasiirada, iyo  Hayadaha Qaaraanka bixiya,waxayna dhammaantoodba kula kulantaa gurigeeda .

8-FARAH SH.A/QAADIR (Haysta dhalasho Kenya ah ): Wuxuu hore u ahan jiray madaxa  hayada Africa Muslim. Hayaddaasi waxa ugu yaboohday Malaayiin Dollar  dadka saboolka ah ee Somalida in lagu caawiyo. Lacagahaasi . Mr Farax waxa uu u leexiyey  dhinaca ololihii madaxweynanimo ee Xasan Sh. Waxa kale oo uu ahaa ninkii ka danbeeyey  lacagtii sadaqa ahayd ee waddanka Qatar bixisay oo ahayd Malaayiin Dollar oo lagu caleemo saaray madaxweyne Xasan Sh Maxamuud .

Waxa ninkani isu magacaabay inuu yahay ninka madaxda ka ah dhammaan duulimaadyada diyaaradha ee Somaliya ,sida tana Turkiga ,IGAD,Jubba,iyo xiriirka Carabaha iyo Somalia. Waxa uu iska dhisaa madaxweyne Xasan Sh,waxana uu farta ka saaraa lacag kasta oo uu ku soo helo tuugnimada iyo magaca dadka masaakiinta ah ee Somalida .Waxa kale kale oo uu isu haystaa inuu yahay nin Qabiili ah o ay ku daba tukadaan dhammaan reerka  Wacayslaha oo uu madaxweynuhu ka soo jeedo

 9- XAAJI MUUSE DHIBLAAWE (Haysta dhalasho S.Africa iyo Canada) Xaaji Muuse,waxay  aad isugu dhow yihiin madaxweyne Xasan Sh. Maxamuud.

Xaajiga waxaa lagu eedeeyaa  isaga oo isticmaalaya waraaqo been abuur ah inuu xaday  dhul ballaaran oo dowladdu lahayd ,isaga oo ku andacoonaya shirkad dhinaca dhismaha ah oo uu ku leeyahay  Koonfurta Africa  inay  dhisayaan Dugsiyo wax lagu barto iyo  xarun dhallinyarada loo sameeyo. Waxa uu magaalada Muqdisho la yimid nin Turki ah oo ganacsade ah oo uu ku sheegay inay wada shaqeeyaan . Qandraaaska dhulkaasi ay dowladdu lahayd ayaa ku kacay ilaa iyo 8million oo Dollar ,lacagtaasi oo uu Xaaji Dhiblaawe afka iska mariyey oo uu lunsaday .Xaajigu waxa kale oo uu la wereegay dhammaan xarumihii shiidaalka ee dowladii Maxamed Siyaad Barre,waxana uu ku qoray dhammaantoodba calaamadiisa oo ah :TURK-SOMA"

Xaaji Muuse dhiblaawe ayaa hadda ka hor laga soo tarxiilay waddanka Gabon ,isaga oo lagu eedeeyey musuqmaasuq,laaluush iyo is daba-marin  lacago ay lahaayeen dadka reer Gabon.

Si kastaba ha noqotee waxa Muqdisho la camalaynaysaa dhinaca dhaqaalaha marka la eego waa lacago dhiig-miirad ah oo laga sameeyey magaca dadka saboolka ah ee Somalida oo hayadaha iyo bulshada caalamka lagu dawarsado. Dadka dhiig-miradka ku shaqeeya waxaa iyaguna raali ka ah oo dani ugu jirtaa masuuliyiinta dowlad kasta oo Soamlia ka dhalata.

Waxaa iyaduna ka mid ah meelha laga lacagaysatay ee magaca Soomalida bulshada caalamku malaayiinta ay ku bixiso ,haseyeeshee gala jeebka  dad u tafa-xaytay dhaca iyo xaaraanta,Guddiga Olympic kada Somalida .

Sababta u weyn ee dad badan oo ganacsato ahi ay u diidan yihiin in la helo nabad iyo dowlada caddaalada ah waa midda dhaqaalaha ay ka sameeyeen shacabka masaakiinta ah ee Soomaaliyeed, mana rabaan in tuubadaasi laga jaro haddiiba ay dowlad caddaalad ahi timaado .

Somaliland Trip Report

Somalilandsun - Just got back from a few days in Somaliland. Felt completely safe. On the ground people are saying that the travel warning from the UK was political and the Somaliland govt is negotiating to have it removed some time soon. Regardless, I never felt any threat.

Was scheduled to fly from Djibouti to Berbera on Daallo but flight cancelled at last minute. Fly Jubba if you plan to do this route - their reputation is more reliable. I ended up travelling back through Ethiopia.

Flew to Dire Dawa from Addis ($58) and then took mini bus to Jijiga (80 Birr, 3 hours). Stayed at Ras Hotel in Dire Dawa for 200 Birr. Switched immediately to bus to Wachale for 30 Birr (1 1/2 hours). It drops you off and you have to walk a few hundred metres to border. Along the way the Ethiopian border control to exit is in an unmarked white building on your left. People will show you. Entering Somaliland no problem with visa issued in London - 30 Pounds on the spot in London. Shared taxi from Wachale to Hargiesa - 40,000 shillings. Waited for a couple of hours for it to leave. Money changers at the border - look for the yellow cages. Trip to Hargiesa took about 3 hours but this was because we stopped for lunch along the way.

Stayed at Oriental in Hargiesa - $15 (102,000 shilings) - good value. Wi-fi was ok. Better in mornings and day than at night but hotel was very nice. Camel and goat market was wonderful. It's on from early morning to about 11am or a bit later. I took a mini bus for 1500 shillings there and 1300 shillings on the way back.

Went to Ministry of Tourism for car/driver/guard for Las Geel. Cost was $60 for car and driver, $20 for guard and $25 for permit. (although other posters have said they paid $55 for car, driver and guard). Cost if you arrange at Oriental is $100 for car, driver and guard. Department of Tourism was hard to find. Make your way to the President's House (everyone will know), then turn left at the next roundabout. Then ask for the Ministry of Commerce - it's down the road and to the left. The Tourism Department is in there. However it may change in the future to the Ministry of Youth and Sport building - which is in the same general area. Las Geel was wonderful (about 1 1/2 hour drive and spend a coupe of hours there). There is a guy on site who shows you around although his English was limited - we had a Somalilander with us who translated. Tourism Department shuts at 1pm so get organized in the mornings.

I changed $50 at the border (rate was 6,400) but wish I'd only changed about $10. Practically everything (except for local buses) was quoted to me in USD and people seemed to want USD and many locals were paying in USD as well. However, people seemed to use wildly varying exchange rates so I always asked for both the dollar and shilling price. I tried taking taxis in Hargiesa a few times and they always asked for $10USD so didn't bother.

The Ethiopian Airways office is hard to find in Hargiesa. Walk down the main street towards Wachale, past the MIG jet, past the Central Bank and there is a big Daallo airlines office on your left. Keep walking about a block and you will come to a small lane between Daallo Express Cargo and Caalami Furniture. Go down this lane and you'll see signs to the office. It's easier to find if you go past the lane and look back as they have signs that way.

Oriental list price to go to Berbera and back is $189 (via Las Geel). I asked for a one-way price from Hargiesa to Berbera (without Las Geel) and was quoted $110 but it felt like a made up price you couldn't rely on. Oriental and Hardwahaag Hotels both advised I needed a guard and travel permit to go in shared taxi. Not sure if this is true or not and I did not check with Ministory of Tourism. $34 exit fee + $10 luggage fee at Berbera airport.

Had a wonderful time. People were incredibly friendly and helpful and so pleased to see you and have you spread the word that Somaliland is safe. Am a solo female traveller so the women were especially fascinated that I was there. I was told by many people that it was not "necessary" for me to wear a head scarf and long skirt. However, I felt much more comfortable wearing a head scarf all the time and I wore a sarong over my trousers during the day.

Hope this helps.


Somaliland leader in Turkey for talks

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu welcomes the leader of Somalia's autonomous Somaliland region, Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo, in front of his offical residence. (Photo: AA, Hakan Göktepe)

Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo, president of Somalia's autonomous Somaliland region, paid a visit to Ankara on Tuesday for talks with Turkish officials.

Silanyo had talks with Deputy Prime Minister Bekir BozdaÄŸ and officials from the Ministry of Energy. He was also scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan on Tuesday; however, the meeting had to be canceled due to ErdoÄŸan's ill health. ErdoÄŸan has caught a cold and will rest at home for a couple of days, according to reports. Today's Zaman was unable to confirm with the Prime Ministry whether the meeting between ErdoÄŸan and Silanyo will take place at a later date.

Somaliland unilaterally declared its independence as a de facto sovereign state in 1991 but is internationally recognized as an autonomous region of Somalia, after a coalition of clan-based armed opposition groups ousted the nation's long-standing military government.

From time to time, there are also reports published by media claiming that the Somaliland leadership supports al-Shabaab, a Somali-based terrorist splinter group of the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda, and has links with the assassinations, abductions and bombings that have taken place in the country.

In a 2011 interview with BBC news, Silanyo said he hopes for independence and that Somaliland deserved to be seen as an independent country. “The people of Somaliland cannot be denied the chance of their own referendum to vote for secession,” said Silanyo.

A senior Turkish diplomat, who spoke to Today's Zaman on condition of anonymity, however, stated that it would be wrong to qualify Somaliland as a separatist region. “Within Somalia there are several regions, including Somaliland, that have their own administrative structure and a president. It is claimed that Somaliland is as separatist region; however, it would be wrong to qualify it as such,” said the diplomat.

The diplomat maintained that Turkey is against the division of Somalia, adding that Turkey will never support a group that poses a threat to the territorial integrity of Somalia. "In order to protect the territorial integrity of the country, we are in contact with all the sides in Somalia. Due to the instability, which is caused by terrorism and poverty, in the country, there are many groups calling for division. Somaliland is the only region which has been able to free itself from the effects of instability,” said the diplomat, adding that when stability can be maintained in the country, the separatist groups will give up the idea of division.

An Ankara-based Somali diplomat, who also spoke to Today's Zaman on condition of anonymity, stated that the visit was taking place to discuss issues of development in Somalia rather than political issues. "We have no problem with this visit. We have been aware of the demands of Somaliland since 1991 but we are against the division of the country," said the diplomat.

Somalia has suffered from civil war and religious extremism due to the political vacuum in the country since 1991. When asked whether the Somali government is uncomfortable about the visit, the same diplomat replied that this was out of the question, adding that the visit is taking place with the knowledge of the Somali state.

"Turkey will never support a group that poses a threat to the territorial integrity of Somalia. There is nothing to make the Somali state uncomfortable,” said the diplomat, adding that Turkey has made important contributions to the improvement of the situation in the country.

In 2011 a drought in Somalia killed 29,000 children under the age of 5 and left 12 million people on the brink of starvation. In Somalia, the drought has added to already present troubles resulting from the 20-year-long civil war in the country. The United Nations said Somalia's drought was one of the largest humanitarian crises in decades. Turkey initiated a countrywide aid campaign to help Somalia after the drought.

Tony Hawyard’s Genel May Find Oil in Somaliland, Minister Says

Somaliland is optimistic that a search for oil by Genel Energy Plc (GENL), run by former BP Plc Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward, will find commercial quantities of crude, Mines and Energy Minister Hussein Abdi Dualeh said.

The company has completed about 95 percent of an airborne geophysical study and plans to conduct a two-dimensional survey of a 4,000-kilometer (2,485-mile) area in the semi-autonomous northern Somali region, Dualeh said in an interview yesterday in Ankara, the Turkish capital. Patrick D’Ancona, a spokesman for London-based Genel, declined to comment beyond its annual results statement issued on Feb. 28.
The “initial map shows big, promising basins,” Dualeh said, adding that Genel hasn’t interpreted all of the data yet. “That does not mean there is oil there. There is still a lot of work to do: 2-D seismic, exploratory drilling, a lot of processes. It looks promising.”

The hunt to develop energy resources in East Africa has gained pace since Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (APC) made the decade’s biggest natural gas discovery off the coast of Mozambique. Finds in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia have also raised the region’s energy profile. Demand in China and India helped spark a bidding war last year between Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) and Thailand’s PTT Exploration & Production Pcl (PTTEP) for Anadarko’s partner Cove Energy Plc.

Licensed Blocks

Somaliland has licensed one-third of its oil fields where the Anglo-Turkish company Genel operates in five blocks, with plans to drill a first well by mid-2014, said Dualeh. Ophir Energy Plc (OPHR) of the U.K. is also in negotiations for a 2-D seismic contract and may start drilling in 2015, he said.

“It is a no brainer, there is oil” said Dualeh. “It is a matter of finding commercial qualities.”

Somalia, particularly its northern regions of Somaliland and Puntland are a “southward extension of the lucrative geologic framework of the Arabian Gulf” that includes Saudi Arabia, according to Osman Salad Hersi, an associate geology professor at the University of Regina in Canada. Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil producer.

“The country, Somalia, including Somaliland, can potentially be the Saudi Arabia of East Africa,” Hersi said in an e-mailed response to questions. “But the instability of the country within the past 30 years or so hindered any meaningful hydrocarbon exploration.”

No Recognition

Somalia has been wracked by more than two decades of civil war since the fall of Mohamed Siad Barre’s dictatorship in 1991. Somaliland declared independence after Barre was removed from office and the former British protectorate has yet to gain recognition as a sovereign nation by any other country or foreign institution.

“Lack of international recognition for their unilateral secession and not being part of the internationally-recognized Federal Somalia of Mogadishu puts Somaliland in limbo,” said Hersi.

Somaliland is negotiating with other unidentified international oil companies hoping to sign exploration contracts in 2013. Cnooc Ltd. (883), the state-owned Chinese oil company, and Canadian and Australian companies are already forging oil deals with the Somali government and that of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

“We have not had any active exploration on such a scale until now,” said Dualeh. “Genel is really leading the charge in really putting together a very aggressive big exploration campaign to really evaluate the potential of Somaliland.”

Hayward resigned from BP, Europe’s second-biggest energy company, in October 2010 following the Gulf of Mexico disaster. He teamed up with financier Nathaniel Rothschild to create Vallares Plc, a shell company that raised 1.33 billion pounds ($1.98 billion) through an initial public offering in London in June 2011. Vallares agreed to merge with Genel in September 2011.

Shares in Genel fell less than 0.1 percent to 794.50 pence in London yesterday. The stock has gained 1.9 percent so far this year.

Our operations in Somaliland



 .    Two PSAs covering five blocks: SL-6, SL-7, SL-10A, SL-10B, SL-13

·         Genel 75% interest and operator in blocks SL-10B, SL-13 (East Africa Resource Group 25%)
·         Genel 50% interest and operator in blocks SL-6, SL-7 and SL-10A (Jacka Resources 30%, Petrosoma 20%)
·         Total gross acreage 40,300 square km

In August 2012, Genel was awarded an exploration licence for onshore blocks SL-10-B and SL-13 in Somaliland, with a 75% working interest in both. Genel extended its presence in November 2012 with the acquisition of 50% participating interest in the Odewayne Production Sharing Agreement which covers blocks SL-6, SL-7, SL-10A.

Onshore Somaliland is a relatively unexplored region, with few exploration wells drilled. The total size of the blocks is approximately equivalent to the entire Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Genel took the opportunity because of encouraging indications including onshore oil seeps and existing geological data showing favorable conditions for hydrocarbons to have accumulated in numerous large tilted fault blocks and sub-basins. In addition, the basins of Somaliland were contiguous to Yemen prior to the opening of the Gulf of Aden in the Oligocene-Miocene - similar sedimentary sequences and structural styles are expected in Somaliland.

We are targeting resources of over 1,000 mmbbls in blocks SL-10B and SL-13. The Odewayne block has a similar resource potential to this, targeting in order of 1,000 mmbbls. A substantial 2D seismic campaign is to commence for all the blocks in the second quarter of 2013, with the first exploration well targeted for the second half of 2014.