31 January 2013
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The Council adopted the following
The EU welcomes the end of the
transition in Somalia as a historic opportunity to leave
behind two decades of conflict. Adoption of a provisional Constitution, the selection of a
Federal Parliament and the election of a new President bring new prospects for lasting peace
and prosperity to Somalia. The visit of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to the EU is a sign
of its recognition of the new political setting in Somalia and of a strengthened partnership
between the EU and Somalia.
behind two decades of conflict. Adoption of a provisional Constitution, the selection of a
Federal Parliament and the election of a new President bring new prospects for lasting peace
and prosperity to Somalia. The visit of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to the EU is a sign
of its recognition of the new political setting in Somalia and of a strengthened partnership
between the EU and Somalia.
The EU stresses the importance
of Somali ownership and underlines the primary
responsibility of the Somali authorities to re-build a country free from the threat of violence
and organised crime, economically viable, engaged with its neighbours and the international
community. Reflecting a shift of paradigm in EU-Somalia relations and consistent with its
comprehensive approach, the EU is committed to supporting the new Government's vision
and priorities. It undertakes to sustain its collective efforts to support Somalia's transformation
and to engage more directly with the Somali people and institutions. In this context, the EU
encourages the accession of Somalia to the Cotonou Agreement.
responsibility of the Somali authorities to re-build a country free from the threat of violence
and organised crime, economically viable, engaged with its neighbours and the international
community. Reflecting a shift of paradigm in EU-Somalia relations and consistent with its
comprehensive approach, the EU is committed to supporting the new Government's vision
and priorities. It undertakes to sustain its collective efforts to support Somalia's transformation
and to engage more directly with the Somali people and institutions. In this context, the EU
encourages the accession of Somalia to the Cotonou Agreement.
The Council welcomes the
announcement by the High Representative/Vice-President
(HR/VP) and the Somali President that Somalia and the EU will host a Conference in
Brussels that will focus on medium- and long-term priorities and needs of Somalia and its
people. The aim of the Conference will be to endorse a Compact between Somalia and the
international community that will guide the reconstruction of Somalia, based on the Busan
New Deal Principles for Fragile States. The Conference will focus on building a new political
order in Somalia, promoting its socio-economic development and establishing the rule of law
and security. The EU also welcomes the UK initiative to host a Conference that will focus on
the immediate priorities of strengthening security, justice, public financial management and
supporting the political progress of Somalia. The EU welcomes the engagement of the Somali
Federal Government in co-hosting the two conferences.
(HR/VP) and the Somali President that Somalia and the EU will host a Conference in
Brussels that will focus on medium- and long-term priorities and needs of Somalia and its
people. The aim of the Conference will be to endorse a Compact between Somalia and the
international community that will guide the reconstruction of Somalia, based on the Busan
New Deal Principles for Fragile States. The Conference will focus on building a new political
order in Somalia, promoting its socio-economic development and establishing the rule of law
and security. The EU also welcomes the UK initiative to host a Conference that will focus on
the immediate priorities of strengthening security, justice, public financial management and
supporting the political progress of Somalia. The EU welcomes the engagement of the Somali
Federal Government in co-hosting the two conferences.
The EU supports the Somali
President's immediate priority of extending security in the
country. On the basis of a revised National Stabilisation and Security Plan (NSSP) and related
security sector reform strategies, the EU will continue to help develop Somali security
capacity accountable to political authority as well as rule of law capacity across the country,
providing protection for the population and respecting human rights. The EU highlights the
importance of international coordination and complementarity in support of Somalia's security
sector development.
country. On the basis of a revised National Stabilisation and Security Plan (NSSP) and related
security sector reform strategies, the EU will continue to help develop Somali security
capacity accountable to political authority as well as rule of law capacity across the country,
providing protection for the population and respecting human rights. The EU highlights the
importance of international coordination and complementarity in support of Somalia's security
sector development.
Since 2010,
the EU Training Mission (EUTM) Somalia has successfully trained nearly 3,000
Somali soldiers, which now constitute the core of the Somali National Armed Forces.
Building on its success and responding to the evolving needs of the Somali authorities, the
Council decided on 22 January 2013 to extend the mandate of the EUTM Somalia until 31
March 2015 and to appoint Brigadier General Aherne as the Mission Commander. The
mission will provide training as well as advice to help building effective, well-integrated, self-
sustainable and accountable Somali National Armed Forces in continued close cooperation
with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Uganda and the US and other
partners. As the security situation allows, EUTM will gradually transfer its activities from
Uganda to Somalia.
Somali soldiers, which now constitute the core of the Somali National Armed Forces.
Building on its success and responding to the evolving needs of the Somali authorities, the
Council decided on 22 January 2013 to extend the mandate of the EUTM Somalia until 31
March 2015 and to appoint Brigadier General Aherne as the Mission Commander. The
mission will provide training as well as advice to help building effective, well-integrated, self-
sustainable and accountable Somali National Armed Forces in continued close cooperation
with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Uganda and the US and other
partners. As the security situation allows, EUTM will gradually transfer its activities from
Uganda to Somalia.
The EU has also supported the rule of law sector. It has supported judicial capacities and the
training and payment of stipends of Somali Police Forces, in close cooperation with the UN.
In addition, its EUCAP NESTOR mission will assist Somalia and states in the region to
develop self-sustainable capacities to enhance maritime security and governance, including
judicial capacities.
5. The
EU commends the efforts of the AMISOM and welcomes the completion of the AU
strategic review. AMISOM can be expected to continue to play a vital role in bringing
security to Somalia while the capacity of Somali security forces develops. Considering that
support to AMISOM remains one of the EU's priorities in Africa, the EU reiterates its
readiness to continue to provide significant support to AMISOM through the African Peace
Facility. It also calls upon other donors to ensure predictable and sustainable funding for
strategic review. AMISOM can be expected to continue to play a vital role in bringing
security to Somalia while the capacity of Somali security forces develops. Considering that
support to AMISOM remains one of the EU's priorities in Africa, the EU reiterates its
readiness to continue to provide significant support to AMISOM through the African Peace
Facility. It also calls upon other donors to ensure predictable and sustainable funding for
6. The
EU welcomes the completion of the United Nations (UN) strategic review of its
in Somalia, and looks forward to an enhanced UN role in Somalia, including in relation to the
effective coordination of international engagement, in support of peace- and state-building.
in Somalia, and looks forward to an enhanced UN role in Somalia, including in relation to the
effective coordination of international engagement, in support of peace- and state-building.
7. The
EU underlines the importance of reconciling the nation and of building
accountable and
transparent institutions at local, regional and national levels, through an approach inclusive of
all clans and social groups. The EU will support the Government's efforts to promote
democracy, the rule of law and strengthen the respect of human rights. The EU stresses the
importance of adopting a final Constitution by referendum, reflecting the will of all Somalis,
of encouraging dialogue and peaceful interactions between the centre and the regions, and of
preparing for elections. It will also support inclusive local development and reconciliation
efforts. The EU underlines the critical role of civil society and the media in the process of
transparent institutions at local, regional and national levels, through an approach inclusive of
all clans and social groups. The EU will support the Government's efforts to promote
democracy, the rule of law and strengthen the respect of human rights. The EU stresses the
importance of adopting a final Constitution by referendum, reflecting the will of all Somalis,
of encouraging dialogue and peaceful interactions between the centre and the regions, and of
preparing for elections. It will also support inclusive local development and reconciliation
efforts. The EU underlines the critical role of civil society and the media in the process of
8. The
EU also undertakes to support the socio-economic recovery that is needed to
improve the
welfare and livelihoods of Somalis. It will support basic service provision, strengthen public
finance management and support the country's re-engagement with the international financial
institutions. The EU will help to build resilience, including through linking relief,
rehabilitation and development in delivering EU assistance to Somalia.
welfare and livelihoods of Somalis. It will support basic service provision, strengthen public
finance management and support the country's re-engagement with the international financial
institutions. The EU will help to build resilience, including through linking relief,
rehabilitation and development in delivering EU assistance to Somalia.
9. The
EU will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to meet the most urgent
needs of the
people of Somalia, in full respect of the humanitarian principles of neutrality, humanity,
impartiality and independence. It calls on all parties in Somalia to ensure safe and unhindered
access to humanitarian aid and to comply with their obligations under international
humanitarian law.
people of Somalia, in full respect of the humanitarian principles of neutrality, humanity,
impartiality and independence. It calls on all parties in Somalia to ensure safe and unhindered
access to humanitarian aid and to comply with their obligations under international
humanitarian law.
10. The
EU notes that improved conditions on land will also contribute to tackling the
root causes
of piracy off the coast of Somalia. It commends the success of the EU’s naval operation
EUNAVFOR ATALANTA in the fight against piracy. The EU aims to consolidate the
containment of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean through ATALANTA, while limiting the
ability of piracy groups to operate from land by building Somali law enforcement capacity,
including through EUCAP NESTOR, and disrupting the piracy networks including its
financiers and logistics. It will do so together with the Somali authorities, taking in to account
their evolving needs as well as the political and security situation on the ground, and using its
Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations and other EU instruments in a
coherent and mutually reinforcing way.
of piracy off the coast of Somalia. It commends the success of the EU’s naval operation
EUNAVFOR ATALANTA in the fight against piracy. The EU aims to consolidate the
containment of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean through ATALANTA, while limiting the
ability of piracy groups to operate from land by building Somali law enforcement capacity,
including through EUCAP NESTOR, and disrupting the piracy networks including its
financiers and logistics. It will do so together with the Somali authorities, taking in to account
their evolving needs as well as the political and security situation on the ground, and using its
Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations and other EU instruments in a
coherent and mutually reinforcing way.
11. The
EU remains concerned about the continuous threat which terrorism poses to
itself, the wider region and at a global level. The EU has committed to help build regional
capacities to tackle the threat of terrorism, to support regional law enforcement cooperation
and counter violent extremism, including through the work of the Global Counter-Terrorism
Forum, working with regional bodies, national governments in the Horn and in Yemen, and
with key partners such as the UN and the AU. The Council therefore notes that Member
States have endorsed today an EU Counter-Terrorism Action Plan for the Horn of Africa and
Yemen within their sphere of competence.
The EU recognises that a precondition for peace,
security and prosperity in Somalia is itself, the wider region and at a global level. The EU has committed to help build regional
capacities to tackle the threat of terrorism, to support regional law enforcement cooperation
and counter violent extremism, including through the work of the Global Counter-Terrorism
Forum, working with regional bodies, national governments in the Horn and in Yemen, and
with key partners such as the UN and the AU. The Council therefore notes that Member
States have endorsed today an EU Counter-Terrorism Action Plan for the Horn of Africa and
Yemen within their sphere of competence.
stability in its wider neighbourhood. It emphasises the need for the countries of the region to
step up efforts to build good neighbourly relations, develop regional capacities and forge
regional cooperation and integration, in particular in the economic field, and to lay the
foundation for a regional political, economic and security framework. As a first step, the EU
urges Somalia and its neighbours to reach a good neighbourliness agreement under the
auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and with the support
of its partners. It further encourages Somalia's active engagement in IGAD and urges all
countries of the region to demonstrate their willingness to settle bilateral disputes in its
framework. As set out in the EU Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa, the EU stands
ready to facilitate and to work closely with the AU and with IGAD and its member states to
achieve these objectives, including through the efforts of the EU Special Representative for
the Horn of Africa.
The EU emphasises the importance of peaceful and credible elections in Kenya in March
2013 for the country's security and prosperity and that of the wider region."
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