Monday, April 7, 2014

Egypt trial brother Al-Qaeda leader accused of terrorism

Egypt prosecutor dated 6/4 decided to Mohamed al-Zawahiri - the brother of the leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri - and 67 others to court for terrorist activities in this country. Mohamed al -Zawahiri was arrested late May 8/2013 for backing President Mohamed Morsi Muslim army was overthrown, will appear in court more.above Number allegedly formed a terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda to prepare the attack on the government, security agencies and Christian communities to sow chaos and undermine the security of the country. fifty members of this group are in custody in when others are running away. 

According to judicial sources, the investigation showed that the group members were sent to Syria against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, before being ordered back to Egypt dated 30.06.2013.they had been summoned home to fight the new government after the deposed President Morsi. Mohammed al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian people and was released from prison in revolt toppled President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, allegedly armed for members and training them how to make explosives and bombs. Sources said the Egyptian authorities had evidence that members of the group have been training in the secret place in Sharqiya province (south of Cairo) and the city neighborhood of Matareya and 6th October near Cairo. 

Morsi Since his ouster, Sharqiya witnessed many attacks on forces security, while at Matareya and 6th October, often place the violent clashes between his supporters and the police Morsi. attacks targeting police and army have increased since from the interim government paralysis Muslim brothers in the terrorist organization list. 

A Foreign Ministry statement dated Egypt in 5/4 that 469 people have been killed since the military assault after President Morsi was overthrown. 


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