Friday, January 31, 2014

Stepanakert Equates LA’s Recognition to That of a State

Spokesman for the President of Nagorno-Karabakh, Davit Babayan

STEPANAKERT (Armenpress)—The recent declaration by the City of Los Angeles recognizing the independence of Karabakh is equal in merit to such a declaration from a state, said the spokesman for the President of Nagorno-Karabakh Davit Babayan. The spokesman attached importance to the declaration of recognition, stressing that the move by the City of Los Angeles is highly welcome and is a step in the right direction for peace and freedom for Artsakh.

“Los Angeles, as you know, is one of the world’s largest cities. It is a powerful economic and cultural center. When such a megalopolis recognizes the independence of Artsakh, we can regard it in much the same light as recognition by a state, given that Los Angeles is, in fact, more powerful than many states,” Davit Babayan said.
Babayan reminded that a strategy for Artsakh has always been to begin the process of recognition from the lowest levels, first, before eventually gaining recognition from the state level. According to him, there is great success on municipal and provincial levels, and work continues in that direction.
The city council of the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles, unanimously recognized the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent and sovereign state. The resolution notes that Karabakh contributes to the stability of the region, conducting free and fair elections and adhering to democratic values. The City Council also voiced its support for the people of Artsakh and their fight for independence and self-determination, two quintessentially American values. At the same time, the Los Angeles City Council made an appeal to the international community to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as a free, independent and sovereign republic.

Baku condemns LA City Council

Azerbaijan officially condemned the Los Angels City Council for recognizing the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
The Azeri Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Elman Abdullayev said the LA City Council’s resolution on Nagorno-Karabakh has been adopted under pressure by the Armenian lobby in the city.
Meanwhile in London, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the UK, Fakhraddin Gurbanov, protested UK photojournalist Anastasia Taylor-Lind’s visit to Karabagh.
A photo of a wedding in Karabakh, by Taylor-Lind, was featured in an article last week in the Guardian.

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