Sunday, July 21, 2013

Somaliland: National Political Parties Registration and Verification Committee declares political consultative council illegal

Take disciplinary measures against chairman, they advice UCID

By M.A.Egge

The national political parties registration and verification committee (NPPR&VC) have categorically termed null and void the legality of the recently announced formation of a national consultative council by opposition members.

In an official press released the NPPR&VC said the consultative council had no room in the legal status of national organizations in the country hence they advised the UCID political party to take legal steps and act accordingly with their chairman’s misdemeanor for being a prime member of the illegal entity.
The committee clarified that Articles 9, 22 and 32 of the constitutional laws of the land was clear on political organizational regulations. These, they said, were further vividly expounded by laws number 14 and 20 of the land.

It is on the fundamental basis of the said rules that the NPPRXVC declared the organization as an illegal one hence thus gave advice on reprimanding the UCID boss through applicable disciplinary measures.
All the seven members of the committee signed the press statement.
They are:
  1. Abdirizak Jama Omar
  2. Aden Gedi Qayat
  3. Omar Hassan Ahmed
  4. Hassan Ahmed Duale
  5. Mohammed Abdi Malik
  6. Ismael Abdi Ali
  7. Abdalla Ibrahim Mohammed

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