Friday, April 12, 2013

Somaliland: The UK Minister of Africa and President of Somaliland meeting in Addis Ababa

The UK Simmonds and SL Silanyo teams meeting in Addis Ababa
Addis Abab - As president Silanyo shoos attempts to entice Somaliland the May 7th Somali conference in London

"I wish to state in the upfront the obvious fact that the United Kingdom and Somaliland have a long discovered friendship"

This was said by the UK minister for Africa Mr Mark Simmonds during an impromptu meeting with the president H.E Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo in Addis Ababa.

Mark Simmonds further acknowledge that in appreciation of his government's friendship and positive relations the UK shall increase its support to various development sectors in Somaliland.

"I thank your president Silanyo for taking the time to discuss a few things with me especially as pertains to our two countries positive bi-lateral relations" said the UK minister for Africa

On conclusion of the said bi-lateral discussions Mark Simmonds is reported to have mentioned the forthcoming London conference on Somalia thus asking president Silanyo to reconsider the non-participation decision made by the Hargeisa administration.

H.E Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo, who thanked the UK for continued positive relations and support to various to development sectors, informed that the May 7th Conference in London has nothing to offer Somaliland thus its unalterable decision to abstain.

President Silanyo accompanied by the minister of foreign affairs Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar and presidency minister Mr Hirsi Haji Ali met the UK team at the British Embassy in Addis Ababa while en-route to Turkey for resumed talks with Somalia.

While Somaliland has not been officially invited to the 7th May conference co-chaired by UK's David Cameroon and Somalia's president Hasan its decision to boycott has raised anxiety resulting in diverse machinations to coerce president Silanyo for reversal bit so far, nothing doing.

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