Saturday, April 6, 2013

Horn of Africa Security Brief

Horn of Africa: Omar Hammami gives interview to Wired Magazine; U.S. sanctions against Somalia extended one year; Kenyan government to withdraw 1,000 troops from Somalia; Uhuru Kenyatta meets with U.S. Ambassador to Kenya; gunmen kill student in Garissa, Kenya; gunmen kill tribal elder in Marka, Lower Shabelle region; gunmen open fire on truck between Marergur and Gudinlabe, Galgudud region; two Kenyan men charged with being members of al Shabaab

  • Omar Hammami gave an interview to Wired Magazine’s Danger Room website, published on April 4. He discussed his break with al Shabaab, his presence on Twitter, and his commitment to continuing to wage jihad against U.S. interests.[1]
  • U.S. President Barack Obama extended sanctions against Somalia for one year on April 4. The announcement cited the need to hinder spoilers of the country’s stability.[2]
  • The Kenyan government will withdraw 1,000 troops from Somalia’s Jubba regions, after the deployment of 850 Sierra Leonean troops to Kismayo, Lower Jubba, according to an April 4 announcement by Kenyan military spokesman Cyrus Oguna.[3]
  • Kenyan President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, met with U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Robert Codec on April 5. Codec reportedly relayed a congratulatory message from President Obama.[4]
  • Gunmen shot and killed a student and wounded three other civilians on April 4 in Garissa, Kenya.[5]
  • Gunmen shot and killed Mohamud Mohamed Hussein, also known as Sablaale, a tribal elder in Marka, Lower Shabelle region. The elder had participated in the constitution-adoption process, and in the selection of the federal parliament in 2012.[6]
  • Gunmen manning a roadblock opened fire on and robbed a truck in an area between Marergur and Gudinlabe, Galgudud region on April 5. At least five people were wounded in the incident.[7]
  • Two Kenyan men from Garissa, Yunus Swaleh Salim and Khamisi Juma Hussein, were charged with belonging to al Shabaab in a Nairobi court in Kenya on April 3.[8]      

[1] Spencer Ackerman, “’There’s No Turning Back’: My Interview With a Hunted American Jihadist,” Wired, April 4, 2013. Available:

[2] Barack Obama, “Letter -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Somalia,” The White House Office of the Press Secretary, April 5, 2013. Available:\
Julian Pecquet, “Obama renews sanctions against Somalia despite new government,” The Hill, April 4, 2013. Available:

[3] “Breaking News: Kenya to Pull-Out a Battalion of Its Troops from Somalia,” Raxan Reeb, April 4, 2013. Available:

[4] “Obama Urges Uhuru, Ruto to build on gains of new constitution,” The Nation, April 5, 2013. Available:

[5] “Student Killed, 3 Injured in Garissa Attack,” Standard Media, April 5, 2013. Available:,-3-injured-in-Garissa-attack

[6] “Somalia: Elder Who Helped Selection of MPs is Assassinated in Marka Town,” Raxan Reeb, April 5, 2013. Available:

[7] “Five Injured in Banditry Attack in Galgadud,” Bar Kulan, April 5, 2013. Available:

[8] “Two Deny Links to al Shabaab Group,” Daily Nation, April 3, 2013. Available:

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