Monday, March 11, 2013

Boobe As King Solomon Says: “Don’t Be Quick To Respond.”

Boobe Yuusuf Duaale

We all have ups and downs, good days and bad days. Hasty reactions are a defense mechanism, and usually not the most effective one. If we’re not on guard, we can act impulsively.

Criticism has a way of getting under our skin and making us attack the source of the criticism. So before you react, give yourself a chance to consider the comment, what it really means, and if perhaps there’s some validity to it. As King Solomon says: “Don’t be quick to respond.”

Similarly, when someone asks you a question, think before you answer. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.” When asked for your point of view, learn to say, “I’m not sure,” or “It seems to me…” In the long run, you’ll gain respect.

When you hear or read something, train yourself to sum up the central point in a few words. If you don’t take the time to think over what you’ve learned, you’re viewing the world blindly through someone else’s eyes.

We all want to achieve great things with minimum effort. A great sage said: “A person wants to become great overnight, and get a good night’s sleep, too!” Realize that true growth is a long process. That’s why deliberation is an important tool, because it forces you to slow down, exercise patience, and stretch the limits of your powers.

When someone hurts or insults you, wait before you react. You’re naturally on the defensive. Be careful not to say anything you’ll later regret. Before you start shouting, pause. Catch a hold of yourself and count to 10.

I took this wise long inspirational, motivational lines from “Rabbi Noah Weinberg” to say that Boobe Youssouf Du’ale has lost all his credibility by first blindly praising, flattering Sillanyo government first then after couple of months giving us a conspiratorial stories which raises so many questions with in the society which is; where was he before? Because we all know that there were always been corruption and mal-governance which wasn’t something new.

Which leads to the big question.

Was he right before or wrong right now? In my opinion I would say it is in our nature as Somalian’s to Praise and Insult at once! Am not trying to degrade any one’s personality here but as we are all aware off our politician’s the biggest figures of our country are well known to always start to criticize as soon as they loose a position which always amazes me because it shows that if i may say, because I don’t wanna offense any one by speaking my mind that ” our leaders lack to hold dear, valuable, or satisfactory, approve of, believe in anything”. And, this leads that we have the responsibility to say: WE ARE TIRED OF YOUR CRABS! Because you all short sighted to not even remember were you where standing yesterday so, don’t drag us into your NONESENSES.



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