Safiirkii hore ee Somaliland u fadhiyey dalka Koonfur Afrika Iqbal Jhazbahay oo Wasiirka arrimaha dibada Maxamed Cabdilaahi ka joojiyey kharashkii safaaradda sabab aan la oegyn awgeed ayaa dhawr jeer oo is xig xiga wuxuu waraaqo u soo diray wasiirka uu ku waydiinayo sababta ay xukuumadda Somaliland u xidhay xafiiska maadama oo ay ahayd inay laban laabto dedaalka diblomaasiyadeed, ayaa Wasiirka oo qoraal ugu jawaabay yidhi “Waanu ka maaranay waxaana la dhimay kharashkii”
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Ambasador Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay |
Markii uu talada dalka Somaliland hayay ALLE haw naxariistee Madaxwaynihii hore Marxuun Maxamed Ibraahim Cigaal ayaa Somaliland dalka Koonfur Afrika ku yeelatay Safaarad taasi oo albaabada loo furay sanadkii 2001, iyadoo durbadiiba safaaradaasi noqotay il dublamaasiyadeed oo muhiim u ah siyaasada aramaha dibada Somaliland taasi oo uu suurto galiyay Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay oo si fiican looga yaqaano Midowga Afrika ahna khabiir ruugcadaadi ku ah xidhiidhka caalamiga isla markaasina ka mid ah xubinaha sarsare ee Xisbiga haya talada dalke Koonfur Afrika. Xidhiidhka dublamaasiyadeed ee u dhexeeya Koonfur Afrika iyo Somaliland ayaa xiligaasi gaadhay halkii ugu saraysay, waxana taasi ka marakacaysa iyadoo sanadkii 2002 markii uu xanuunsaday Cigaal la geeyay cibitaalka Ciidamda ee ku yaala caasimada Pretoria, sidoo kale sannadkii 2004-kiina ay wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Somaliland Marwo Edna Aadan Ismaaciil ay hadal u jeedisay golahii baarlamaanka ee dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa waxaa nasiib darro noqotay in xukuumadda Siilaanyo ay albaabada u laabto gabi ahaanba Safaaradii Somaliland ku lahayd dalka Koonfur Afrika oo ah dalka ugu miisaanka weyn siyaasadda qaaradda Afrika isla markaana sannadkii 2003-dii ay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Koonfur Afrika olole u gashay
Somaliland uga mid noqon lahayd ergooyinka ka qaybgalaya Shirwaynahii Midawga Afrika taasi oo keentay in sannadkii 2006-dii ay Hargeysa yimaadaan wefdi uu hogaaminaayey Guddoomiye ku xigeenkii Midawga Afrika Patrick Ogera oo warbixintii ugu horaysay ee Qadiyada Madaxbanaanida Somaliland taageeraysa laga hor jeedayey kulankii midawga Afrika yeesho.
Markii Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar uu joojiyey xafiiskii diblomaasiyadeed ee Somaliland ku lahayd Koonfur Afrika ayaa muddo kooban ka dib waxaa safiirkii Somaliland u fadhiyey markiiba u yeedhatay dawladda Koonfur Afrika oo u Magacowday safariirkeeda dalka Eratariya.
Xidhiidho dhinaca Email-da ah oo dhex maray Wasiirka arimaha dibada iyo Safiir Iqbal oo la helay ayaa muujinaya in wasiirka arimaha dibada Somaliland ka dhago-adeygay baryo iyo qaylo dhaan badan oo in muddo ah kaga imaneysey safiir sharafeedkii JSL u fadhiyey Koonfur Afrika Professor Iqbal oo weydiisanaya Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Somaliland in uu bixiyo kharashaadkii xafiiska JSL ee Koonfur Afrika ee miisaaniyadda wasaaradda ugu jirteyna uu sii dhakhso ah u siiyo, balse nasiibdaro safiirku ayaa kala kulmey jawaabo qalafsan, isku dhiidhiibid badan, kuwaasi oo magac xumo iyo ceeb weyn u soo jiiday siyaasadii arimaha dibada Somaliland.
Kharashaadkaasi oo muddo laba sano ku dhowaad ah laga haystey Safiir Iqbal Jhazbhay, si foolxunna wasiirku u warwareejinaayey, ayaa niyad jab weyn ku abuurtey safiir sharafeedka kuna kaliftey safiirka inuu amaah ka qaato qaraabadiisa iyo baan ku yaala Koonfur Afrika sidii uu danaha qaranka JSL ugu fulin lahaa, isagana bixin lahaa daynta xafiiska.
Safiir Iqbal oo ah diblomaasi iyo aqoonyahan caan ah in mudo ahna xilkaasi hayey, dawladihii hore ee Somaliland soo mareyna mudnaan iyo sharaf kala kulmey, qaranka Somalilandna hawlo badan oo culus u qabtey kaalin weyna kaga gudbanaa JSL ayaa wasiirku ku yidhi “kharashaadkii xafiisyada JSL ee dibedda waa la dhimey” kharashaadkii loogu talo galey xafiiska Koonfur Afrika wasiirku safiir Iqbal ku wargaliyey in la dhimey oo $1000 kun dollar laga dhigey, inkasta oo la sheegay in miisaaniyada ay bishiiba ugu jirtay lacag gaadheysa $5000 shan kun oo dollari.
Safiir Iqbal oo niyad jab weyni ka muuqdo ayaa u soo jawaabey wasiirka una sheegay inuu arrintaasi aad uga xunyahay, iyadoo ay Somaliland maanta u baahantahey lagana sugayey inay wasaaradu kordhiso xafiisyada JSL dibedda ku leedahay iyo kharashaadkoodaba maadaama ay tahay aqoonsi raadis, balse cidii go’aankaa agaasintey aanay maskax caafimaad qabta ku fekerin.
Hadaba markii uu wasiirku ku war geliyey safiir Iqbal isbedelka miisaaniyada xafiiskiisa Koonfur Afrika ayuu siduu qoraalkani cadeynayo safiirku duuduub ku qaatey, balse aanu haba yaraatee wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda aanu ka helin kharashaadkii xafiiskiisa kuna kaliftey inuu baryootan iyo qoraalo quus iyo niyad jab badani ka muuqdaan wasiirka u soo gudbiyey, taasoo wasiirku mar walba ilduufaayey oo aanu si mudnaan leh uga jawaabaynin qoraalada safiirka.
Markii ay ogaadeen Madaxwaynaha Koonfurta Afrika Zuma iyo xukuumadiisu Bahdilaada iyo dhaca ay dawlada Somaliland u gaysatay Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay oo ka mid ah xubnaha sare ee xisbiga haya talada dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa markiiba Madaxweyne Zuma u magacaabay safiirka dalka Koonfur Afrika u fadhiyaya dalka Eretria, iyadoo ay sanadkii miisaaniyada safaarada Asmara ee loo magacaabayna ay ka badan tahay $ 9 milyan oo dollar.
Halkan Ka Akhriso Iimaylada dhex Maray Wasiirka iyo Safiirka Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 20 October 2010 08:56
Subject: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
To: uk omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Walaal Mohamed,
I am glad we could briefly speak on the phone, recently. I raised the following:
1. I shall be happy to help in every way with President Silaanyo’s visit to Addis.
I suggest you inform me of the dates of the visit to Addis and I shall fly over to give you all the back up support.
2. I am seriously considering taking leave from the University for 2 years, so that I can help SL and you to advance the case of recognition and international investment.
This will entail a focussed programme of work and action. Kindly keep this at the back of your mind, so that we can explore this in detail.
3. Walaal: Has there been any movement on the monthly allowance for the Somaliland Liaison Office in South Africa?
Kindly note that the monthly allowance for July, August, September, and October is outstanding ($16 000). Is there a person in your Ministry I could call and follow-up with? Or should I call Govornor Abdur-rahman Duale?
Kind regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 08:14:37 +0200
Subject: URGENT Follow Up: Fwd: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Walaal Mohamed,
My best wishes for the President’s up-coming visit. When in Addis, please let me know if you need support? I wonder if the mail below of 20 October reached you.
I know you must be busy. Is there a person in you ministry I can call regarding
the monthly allowance for the Somaliland Liaison Office in South Africa?
Regards, Iqbal
On 3 November 2010 09:08, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Hi Iqbal,
The visit to Addis is still pending on the availability of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, as soon as we get dates we will go. I will let you know if there is a need for additional support. Regarding the allowance, please contact our financial director on 4424775. But I can tell you that as a result of a budgetary review, a decision was made to reduce our liaiason offices aabroad and to cut the allowance. the maximum allowance from 28 July 2010 will be $1000 (one thousand) US. Our office in South Africa does not include those offices that are going away but the new allowance rate will apply.
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 3 November 2010 09:52
Subject: Re: URGENT Follow Up: Fwd: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
To: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Thank you for your up-date below Walaal Mohamed.
The news below is sad at, clearly, a critical time when more is required to advance Somaliland on the international front. In this respect,
1. Can you please get the financial director to act on the outstanding allowances (June & July 8000, August, Sept, Oct, Nov 4000 = total 12000 US)?
2. It’s a pity and unfair that I am being informed so late about this, as this has implications on the current office expenses (rent, phone, salary etc), which was advanced as part of a monthly contract for the past 4 months. This means I have to carry this debt, for the difference of 3000 US for the past 4 months (August, Sept. Oct, Nov)?
In this context, may I point out I shall with regret and a heavy heart, not be able to continue with my formal role here. I will need to undertake another project, for the time spent and to supplement my current monthly income.
I hope you will accept that the situation is unsustainable, unless another format is formulated for the Somaliland Office in SA, possibly the support of big business such as Ophir Energy SA or Telesom, etc.
I understand the budgetary constraints, but this seems to send a bad message that the government is not serious of its international relations. The current slim budget for offices should have been increased.
I await your advice to advance this crucial matter.
Kind regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 21:58:23 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat with Minister Mohamed Omer
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
18th November 2010
Greetings Walaal Mohamed,
I gather you on the road with the President. Warm wishes for success. May I know if the e-mail below of 3 November was received and your Financial Director is acting on it? I need to know the path ahead, so that I may plan accordingly.
I await your response soon.
Regards, Iqbal
–Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
On 18 November 2010 22:24, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Dear Iqbal,
I apologise for the delay. Yes, I have instructed our financial director to sort out the payment. As I said in last email, we want to keep a representative in South Africa, but if you are unable to continue as you have hinted on in your email, please let us know.
On 18 November 2010 22:58, Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Thank you Walaal Mohamed for your reply below. Apologies accepted and, I understand your busy schedule.
I am glad Abdi Karim of Telesom was here and he was pleased to attend the Cape Town Telecoms conference on investments. Also, arrangements were made for the SL Ministry of National Planning’s 8-person delegation to attend a Public Administration Conference in South Africa.
In light of your e-mail below, I suggest:
1. The Ministry’s Financial Director settle the outstanding allowances. It is correctly from July to December 2010, as was anticipated and contracts concluded. $ 4000.00 x 6 months = 24 000 I will settle the expenses (rent, phone, salary etc) and discontinue the contracts from January 2011. In terms of South African law, 30 days notice needs to be given, so the rental, salary contract is discontinued. I will give notice tomorrow to discontinue the contracts. With December Christmas approaching, please prevail on to act on the money transfer at the soonest.
2. As for continuing as SL representative, I will hold the flag for the moment and will need to give this serious thought and planning, as to how I can possibly continue under this new arrangement. I will keep you up-dated.
Kind regards, Iqbal
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 11 December 2010 10:19
Subject: Re: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
To: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
11 December 2010
Greetings Walaal Mohamed,
I hope all is well? I am glad to see that your UK visit worked out well.
Sorry to bother you again.
May I alert you since my e-mail below of 18th November, there has been no
movement whatsoever from your office to transfer the outstanding money below of $24 000. With Christmas approaching most offices close next Friday 17 December. I am under pressure to pay those outstanding bills and received a legal notice of 14 working days for payment.
PLEASE, urgently, let me know how your Ministry plans to settle this outstanding amount.
I noticed the Antonov plane, impounded with South African private security contractors. I have informed the SA government of this.
Kind regards, Iqbal
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 19:38:17 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
May I know if the e-mail below of 11 December reached you safely?
I am keen to round up this file this week.
From: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 12 December 2010 22:17
Subject: RE: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
To: Prof Iqbal Prof Iqbal < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Dear Iqbal
The director of finance of the ministry of foreign affairs has already processed this work and it is now in the hands of the ministry of finance. And we are following it closely.
Today is 12 December 2010.
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:18:53 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
16 January 2011
Greetings Walaal Wasiir Mohamed,
Since your e-mail below of 12th December 2010, may I alert you
there has been no movement whatsoever from the Finance Ministry or the Govornor’s office, in making the required transfer. I am confident you will appreciate that this delay is inconvenient.
I took a loan to settle the outstanding bills in December 2010 and promised a friend this matter will be settled within 3 weeks.
Can your office URGENTLY check with the Finance Ministry and the Govornor’s office if the money was transfered? If so, when was the transfer done, and by whom?
Regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
On 17 January 2011 19:49, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Can you please ensure that this issue is dealt with urgently and report to me directy about the outcome.
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 12:30 PM
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Cc: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Subject: Re: FW: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
19 January 2011
Markii Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar uu joojiyey xafiiskii diblomaasiyadeed ee Somaliland ku lahayd Koonfur Afrika ayaa muddo kooban ka dib waxaa safiirkii Somaliland u fadhiyey markiiba u yeedhatay dawladda Koonfur Afrika oo u Magacowday safariirkeeda dalka Eratariya.
Xidhiidho dhinaca Email-da ah oo dhex maray Wasiirka arimaha dibada iyo Safiir Iqbal oo la helay ayaa muujinaya in wasiirka arimaha dibada Somaliland ka dhago-adeygay baryo iyo qaylo dhaan badan oo in muddo ah kaga imaneysey safiir sharafeedkii JSL u fadhiyey Koonfur Afrika Professor Iqbal oo weydiisanaya Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Somaliland in uu bixiyo kharashaadkii xafiiska JSL ee Koonfur Afrika ee miisaaniyadda wasaaradda ugu jirteyna uu sii dhakhso ah u siiyo, balse nasiibdaro safiirku ayaa kala kulmey jawaabo qalafsan, isku dhiidhiibid badan, kuwaasi oo magac xumo iyo ceeb weyn u soo jiiday siyaasadii arimaha dibada Somaliland.
Kharashaadkaasi oo muddo laba sano ku dhowaad ah laga haystey Safiir Iqbal Jhazbhay, si foolxunna wasiirku u warwareejinaayey, ayaa niyad jab weyn ku abuurtey safiir sharafeedka kuna kaliftey safiirka inuu amaah ka qaato qaraabadiisa iyo baan ku yaala Koonfur Afrika sidii uu danaha qaranka JSL ugu fulin lahaa, isagana bixin lahaa daynta xafiiska.
Safiir Iqbal oo ah diblomaasi iyo aqoonyahan caan ah in mudo ahna xilkaasi hayey, dawladihii hore ee Somaliland soo mareyna mudnaan iyo sharaf kala kulmey, qaranka Somalilandna hawlo badan oo culus u qabtey kaalin weyna kaga gudbanaa JSL ayaa wasiirku ku yidhi “kharashaadkii xafiisyada JSL ee dibedda waa la dhimey” kharashaadkii loogu talo galey xafiiska Koonfur Afrika wasiirku safiir Iqbal ku wargaliyey in la dhimey oo $1000 kun dollar laga dhigey, inkasta oo la sheegay in miisaaniyada ay bishiiba ugu jirtay lacag gaadheysa $5000 shan kun oo dollari.
Safiir Iqbal oo niyad jab weyni ka muuqdo ayaa u soo jawaabey wasiirka una sheegay inuu arrintaasi aad uga xunyahay, iyadoo ay Somaliland maanta u baahantahey lagana sugayey inay wasaaradu kordhiso xafiisyada JSL dibedda ku leedahay iyo kharashaadkoodaba maadaama ay tahay aqoonsi raadis, balse cidii go’aankaa agaasintey aanay maskax caafimaad qabta ku fekerin.
Hadaba markii uu wasiirku ku war geliyey safiir Iqbal isbedelka miisaaniyada xafiiskiisa Koonfur Afrika ayuu siduu qoraalkani cadeynayo safiirku duuduub ku qaatey, balse aanu haba yaraatee wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda aanu ka helin kharashaadkii xafiiskiisa kuna kaliftey inuu baryootan iyo qoraalo quus iyo niyad jab badani ka muuqdaan wasiirka u soo gudbiyey, taasoo wasiirku mar walba ilduufaayey oo aanu si mudnaan leh uga jawaabaynin qoraalada safiirka.
Markii ay ogaadeen Madaxwaynaha Koonfurta Afrika Zuma iyo xukuumadiisu Bahdilaada iyo dhaca ay dawlada Somaliland u gaysatay Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay oo ka mid ah xubnaha sare ee xisbiga haya talada dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa markiiba Madaxweyne Zuma u magacaabay safiirka dalka Koonfur Afrika u fadhiyaya dalka Eretria, iyadoo ay sanadkii miisaaniyada safaarada Asmara ee loo magacaabayna ay ka badan tahay $ 9 milyan oo dollar.
Halkan Ka Akhriso Iimaylada dhex Maray Wasiirka iyo Safiirka Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 20 October 2010 08:56
Subject: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
To: uk omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Walaal Mohamed,
I am glad we could briefly speak on the phone, recently. I raised the following:
1. I shall be happy to help in every way with President Silaanyo’s visit to Addis.
I suggest you inform me of the dates of the visit to Addis and I shall fly over to give you all the back up support.
2. I am seriously considering taking leave from the University for 2 years, so that I can help SL and you to advance the case of recognition and international investment.
This will entail a focussed programme of work and action. Kindly keep this at the back of your mind, so that we can explore this in detail.
3. Walaal: Has there been any movement on the monthly allowance for the Somaliland Liaison Office in South Africa?
Kindly note that the monthly allowance for July, August, September, and October is outstanding ($16 000). Is there a person in your Ministry I could call and follow-up with? Or should I call Govornor Abdur-rahman Duale?
Kind regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 08:14:37 +0200
Subject: URGENT Follow Up: Fwd: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Walaal Mohamed,
My best wishes for the President’s up-coming visit. When in Addis, please let me know if you need support? I wonder if the mail below of 20 October reached you.
I know you must be busy. Is there a person in you ministry I can call regarding
the monthly allowance for the Somaliland Liaison Office in South Africa?
Regards, Iqbal
On 3 November 2010 09:08, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Hi Iqbal,
The visit to Addis is still pending on the availability of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, as soon as we get dates we will go. I will let you know if there is a need for additional support. Regarding the allowance, please contact our financial director on 4424775. But I can tell you that as a result of a budgetary review, a decision was made to reduce our liaiason offices aabroad and to cut the allowance. the maximum allowance from 28 July 2010 will be $1000 (one thousand) US. Our office in South Africa does not include those offices that are going away but the new allowance rate will apply.
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 3 November 2010 09:52
Subject: Re: URGENT Follow Up: Fwd: Follow-up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat
To: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Thank you for your up-date below Walaal Mohamed.
The news below is sad at, clearly, a critical time when more is required to advance Somaliland on the international front. In this respect,
1. Can you please get the financial director to act on the outstanding allowances (June & July 8000, August, Sept, Oct, Nov 4000 = total 12000 US)?
2. It’s a pity and unfair that I am being informed so late about this, as this has implications on the current office expenses (rent, phone, salary etc), which was advanced as part of a monthly contract for the past 4 months. This means I have to carry this debt, for the difference of 3000 US for the past 4 months (August, Sept. Oct, Nov)?
In this context, may I point out I shall with regret and a heavy heart, not be able to continue with my formal role here. I will need to undertake another project, for the time spent and to supplement my current monthly income.
I hope you will accept that the situation is unsustainable, unless another format is formulated for the Somaliland Office in SA, possibly the support of big business such as Ophir Energy SA or Telesom, etc.
I understand the budgetary constraints, but this seems to send a bad message that the government is not serious of its international relations. The current slim budget for offices should have been increased.
I await your advice to advance this crucial matter.
Kind regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 21:58:23 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal on our Telephonic Chat with Minister Mohamed Omer
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
18th November 2010
Greetings Walaal Mohamed,
I gather you on the road with the President. Warm wishes for success. May I know if the e-mail below of 3 November was received and your Financial Director is acting on it? I need to know the path ahead, so that I may plan accordingly.
I await your response soon.
Regards, Iqbal
–Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue.
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
On 18 November 2010 22:24, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Dear Iqbal,
I apologise for the delay. Yes, I have instructed our financial director to sort out the payment. As I said in last email, we want to keep a representative in South Africa, but if you are unable to continue as you have hinted on in your email, please let us know.
On 18 November 2010 22:58, Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Thank you Walaal Mohamed for your reply below. Apologies accepted and, I understand your busy schedule.
I am glad Abdi Karim of Telesom was here and he was pleased to attend the Cape Town Telecoms conference on investments. Also, arrangements were made for the SL Ministry of National Planning’s 8-person delegation to attend a Public Administration Conference in South Africa.
In light of your e-mail below, I suggest:
1. The Ministry’s Financial Director settle the outstanding allowances. It is correctly from July to December 2010, as was anticipated and contracts concluded. $ 4000.00 x 6 months = 24 000 I will settle the expenses (rent, phone, salary etc) and discontinue the contracts from January 2011. In terms of South African law, 30 days notice needs to be given, so the rental, salary contract is discontinued. I will give notice tomorrow to discontinue the contracts. With December Christmas approaching, please prevail on to act on the money transfer at the soonest.
2. As for continuing as SL representative, I will hold the flag for the moment and will need to give this serious thought and planning, as to how I can possibly continue under this new arrangement. I will keep you up-dated.
Kind regards, Iqbal
From: Prof. Iqbal Jhazbhay < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 11 December 2010 10:19
Subject: Re: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
To: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
11 December 2010
Greetings Walaal Mohamed,
I hope all is well? I am glad to see that your UK visit worked out well.
Sorry to bother you again.
May I alert you since my e-mail below of 18th November, there has been no
movement whatsoever from your office to transfer the outstanding money below of $24 000. With Christmas approaching most offices close next Friday 17 December. I am under pressure to pay those outstanding bills and received a legal notice of 14 working days for payment.
PLEASE, urgently, let me know how your Ministry plans to settle this outstanding amount.
I noticed the Antonov plane, impounded with South African private security contractors. I have informed the SA government of this.
Kind regards, Iqbal
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 19:38:17 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
May I know if the e-mail below of 11 December reached you safely?
I am keen to round up this file this week.
From: Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Date: 12 December 2010 22:17
Subject: RE: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
To: Prof Iqbal Prof Iqbal < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >
Dear Iqbal
The director of finance of the ministry of foreign affairs has already processed this work and it is now in the hands of the ministry of finance. And we are following it closely.
Today is 12 December 2010.
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:18:53 +0200
Subject: Fwd: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
16 January 2011
Greetings Walaal Wasiir Mohamed,
Since your e-mail below of 12th December 2010, may I alert you
there has been no movement whatsoever from the Finance Ministry or the Govornor’s office, in making the required transfer. I am confident you will appreciate that this delay is inconvenient.
I took a loan to settle the outstanding bills in December 2010 and promised a friend this matter will be settled within 3 weeks.
Can your office URGENTLY check with the Finance Ministry and the Govornor’s office if the money was transfered? If so, when was the transfer done, and by whom?
Regards, Iqbal
Iqbal Jhazbhay
Professor, University of South Africa
>Director on the Board of the Institute for Global Dialogue
>Author: Somaliland: An African Struggle for Nationhood and International Recognition (Johannesburg: IGD & SAIIA, 2009)
mobile + 27 82 880 8603
tel: + 27 12 429 6307
fax + 27 866 250 248
On 17 January 2011 19:49, Mohamed Omar < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it > wrote:
Can you please ensure that this issue is dealt with urgently and report to me directy about the outcome.
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 12:30 PM
To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Cc: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Subject: Re: FW: URGENT Follow Up from Iqbal: Somaliland-South Africa Office
19 January 2011
Waxa bishii January ee sannadkii 2011-kii albaabada loo laabay xafiiskii diblomaasiyadeed ee Somaliland ku lahayd dalka koonfur Afrika, iyadoo wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar aanu bixin mushaharkii safiirka iyo kiraddii xafiiska isla markaana dalbaday in la xidho, sida ku cad iimaylo ay isdhaafsadeen Safiirkaasi.
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