Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bradley Manning: A Window into the American Soul

by Paul Craig Roberts

December 8, 2012

Liberty consists of government being ruled by law and citizens having control over law. This was the way our founding fathers set up the US Constitution. It is the Constitution that defines the United States.  Every member of the government and the armed forces swears allegiance to the Constitution—not to the government or to the president or to a political party or to an ideology—to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.

Bradley Manning
Today the emphasis needs to be on the Constitution’s domestic enemies in “our own” government. America’s foreign enemies are miniscule.  But the domestic enemies are legion. America’s enemies consist, with whistleblower exceptions, of the entire US government, both executive branch, legislative branch (with possibly a dozen exceptions), and judicial branch (with few exceptions).

The three branches of our government have united to destroy US civil liberties in the name of a hoax, “the war on terror.”  Even if the US were overrun with terrorists, how could they harm us more than our government has harmed us by destroying the US Constitution?

If you don’t believe that the US Constitution has been destroyed by Republicans and Democrats alike, read my book coauthored with Lawrence M. Stratton, The Tyranny Of Good Intentions, and the five articles whose URLs are provided below.

Bradley Manning, a member of the US military, complied with his oath of office, with the US Military Code, with the Nuremberg standards set by the US government, with the strictures expressed by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the George W, Bush administration, and with his own conscience. Manning, allegedly (we will never know), released to Wikileaks the video of the US military murdering two journalists and a dozen innocent people walking down a street.

After the murder of these people by the US military playing video games with live people, a father with two young children stopped his van to help the survivors crawling in the street. The US military, due to either blood-lust, incompetence, or total evil, killed the father and sent high caliber bullets into the bodies of the two small children.

The murderers then blame the father for bringing children into the combat zone created by the incompetence or evil of the US troops, who obviously get their jollies from murdering people. TV cameras are claimed to be weapons and justifications for murdering 15 people.

Subsequently, a few people, whom the video shows to be unarmed, walk into a building.

The US troops claim the unarmed people have weapons and RPGs and send three hellfire missiles into the building.  The US troops then report that all the “targets” are dead.

Any real patriotic American who saw this video would be compelled to release it.  If Manning released it to Wikileaks, then Manning is the most morally responsible American alive. What has Manning’s moral conscience cost him?

It has cost Manning 900 days held incommunicado illegally by the US government. President John F. Kennedy’s presidency lasted 1,000 days. Manning was held and tortured for almost the entire length of Camelot.

And the US government has got away with it.

Americans don’t care. It is not them. They are too stupid to understand that once law is gone, they can be next.

In their desire to punish Manning, US military and civilian authorities failed to realize that the lesson for soldiers is that crimes against humanity will not be punished, but those who reveal the crimes will be punished.

On November 29 Bradley Manning testified in federal court about his illegal confinement and torture by the US government. Manning’s testimony was not covered by the US media. The New York Times, in Chris Floyd’s words, “contented itself with a brief bit of wire copy from AP, tucked away on page 3.”

In contrast, the British Guardian covered Manning’s testimony in detail in two stories 68 paragraphs long. The British people are informed of the US government’s crimes against humanity in violation of international law and US law, but not the American people.

A formal United Nations investigation into the illegal, brutal and inhuman treatment of Bradley Manning denounced his treatment as “cruel and inhuman.” The US State Department spokesman, Col. P.J. Crowley, resigned after publicly protesting Manning’s illegal and inhuman treatment by the US government.
The presstitute media was silent.

Glenn Greenwald, the constitutional attorney, concludes that “the US establishment journalists have enabled the government every step of the way.” The presstitutes hold “themselves out as adversarial watchdogs, but nothing provokes their animosity more than someone who effectively challenges government actions.”
Greenwald praises Bradley Manning who “has bestowed the world with multiple vital benefits. But as his court martial finally reaches its conclusion, one likely to result in the imposition of a long prison term, it appears his greatest gift is this window into America’s political soul.”

The window into America’s political soul reveals total evil. The US government constitutes Satan’s Chosen People.  Nothing else can be said for those who rule and oppress us.

This article was originally published at and has been used here with permission.

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