Friday, December 14, 2012

Abaarso Tech Headmaster calls Halbeegnews article false and misleading

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Abaarso Tech Press Release:

A recent article in Halbeeg News falsely claimed that one of our teachers was the headmaster of Abaarso Tech, and that Halbeeg has proof that this teacher told female students not to wear headscarves.

 I am the Abaarso Tech Headmaster and I can strongly say that Abaarso Tech is a Muslim school that would expel any female student who does not wear a headscarf, and would discipline or fire any teacher who told students not to wear a headscarf.  It is in the Abaarso Tech Student Handbook that all female students must wear head-scarves.  In addition, it is expected that even all female American teachers at Abaarso Tech wear head-scarves in public.  Anyone who has seen the Abaarso Tech female teachers would know that in fact they always respectfully cover themselves in class and when in public.

Unfortunately, this type of misleading story about Abaarso Tech is often told by individuals who try to damage Abaarso Tech for their personal benefit.  These individuals cannot attack Abaarso Tech’s academic success, so instead they try to portray the Americans as corrupting the religion.  Here are the facts:

Abaarso Tech has a large mosque on campus and all teachers sign a document that they will respect Islam and will not teach any other religions.

Abaarso Tech has recently implemented intense measures to keep male and female separation at all times.  Students breaking the rules face harsh punishments including long suspensions and expulsions.

Abaarso Tech has extremely tough policies against cheating and Abaarso Tech teaches Muslim values such as honesty and integrity.  Students who break the cheating policies face suspensions and expulsion.

If anyone has evidence of Abaarso Tech students or teachers acting in an inappropriate manner against Islam, then please bring this evidence to my attention so we can immediately act to correct the situation.  This includes any evidence that Halbeeg News claims to possess.

Finally, anyone who wants to know more about Abaarso Tech’s commitment to Islamic values should come visit the school so they can make their own judgement   Abaarso Tech is committed to becoming a great school that properly respects the Islamic religion.


Jonathan Starr , Headmaster , Managing Director , Co-Founder 
Abaarso Tech

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