Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Another Sophisticated Brutal Terrorist Massacre Reported, This Time in Kenya

Analysis: Islamist threat in Kenya growing more sophisticated – a shift that has coincided with al-Shabaab forging closer connections with al-Qaeda's core command

At first, attacks in Kenya were on a small scale: single grenades hurled into bars serving alcohol in predominantly Muslim areas, minor explosions at bus queues or attempted IEDs targeting police patrols in remote areas.

Today, however, the Islamist threat in Kenya is morphing into one that is much more sophisticated, a shift that has coincided with al-Shabaab forging closer connections with what is left of al-Qaeda's core command.

Sunday's night's coordinated gun attack on the busy coastal town of Mpeketoni is an example. At least 30 gunmen are understood to have been involved. They worked in teams, targeting different areas of the town. They wore balaclavas. They streamed al-Shabaab flags from their vehicles.

A month ago, simultaneous explosions ripped through a busy second-hand clothes market in the capital, Nairobi, killing ten people. Two days earlier, Britain had advised its citizens against all but essential travel to Kenya's main coastal city, Mombasa. Some holiday companies pulled their tourists out.

In March, a massive car-bomb was discovered with more than 200lbs of high-explosive in plastic pipes expertly sewn into the rear seat of a Toyota four-wheel-drive. There are fears a second similar device exists undiscovered.

"That was a level of technical sophistication that we have not come across here before, and matches the change in the nature of terrorism that we are seeing in Kenya," one senior Western diplomat said recently.

"There are global jihadis who are looking around and deciding that East Africa is where it is now, and coming here with their expertise. We're seeing the effects of that."

Although no recent successful attack has specifically targeted international visitors in Kenya, the Islamists "are showing an increasing willingness to go after Westerners", the diplomat added.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan government's response to terror attack after terror attack appears lacklustre, poorly coordinated and knee-jerk, and is provoking a storm of contempt from ordinary Kenyans, who are the victims of these strikes.

In particular, there are increasing calls for Joseph Ole Lenku, the internal security secretary, to be sacked. His handling of the Westgate siege drew international criticism.

No one has yet lost their job from President Uhuru Kenyatta's 15-month-old government over increasing insecurity in Kenya. That is a situation that needs to change to begin to rebuild confidence that Mr Kenyatta is serious about defeating the terrorists.

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