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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22nd Earth Day Celebration: Download a Free PDF on Environmental Funding

April 22nd is officially declared Earth Day. It is enthusiastically celebrated by environmental supporters by performing activities such as tree planting, cleaning the road side trash, recycling and conservation programs, creating awareness about reusing the recyclable material.
Various petitions are signed by different government, non-government or voluntary bodies for stopping global warming and related environmental destructions.
Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, the April 22 Earth Day was organised during 1970 for the first time with the aim to promote ecology and recognizing the value of life that exist on planet Earth. Also, the first Earth Day was aimed to encourage awareness about the problems associated with water, soil and air pollution.
Earth Day 2014 Highlights
The world population today is facing various environmental challenges. Global warming is one of the major causes of worry among environmentally aware citizen who care enough to take steps for creating sustainable communities.
As European cities are preparing for the Earth Day, let’s take a look at some of the major cities which are planning something big to offer to the mother Earth on this event.
Multiple Events at Chisinau
The Gutta-Club, Chisinau, Moldova will cover about 30 villages to organize different events ranging from tree plantation to building nesting boxes for the birds. Chisinau’s central square will conduct workshops, concerts and contests for voluntary participants.
ECO-Explorer Camp in Dublin
Dublin will report an ECO-Explorer camp for kids which will be organised by Earth Day Network partner ECO-UNESCO and it will be held from April 22nd to April 25th at the Greenhouse, Dublin City Center. This is an annual camp and it will let children from 5-12 years of age, an opportunity to discover green spaces, wildlife, local ecology and much more for creating awareness in this upcoming generation. Drawing and 3D art will be an attraction for these tiny Eco-Explorers.
Green Sale in Geneva
The International School of Geneva, Switzerland is hosting a unique Green Sale and sale for organic food which will together help in raising funds for planting trees in the school premises. Participatory activities will include games associated with recycling and other arts and crafts based on environment.
This is indeed overwhelming! However, apart from just European countries, the world population is taking active participation in supporting the mission of Earth Day by offering maximum support for environmental causes. It feels great to be a part of a society that is not aware but also proactive in delivering acts of service to the mother Earth. However, the biggest challenge yet to be met is the deteriorating environmental health which can only be preserved by the human population that co-exists on this planet.
So, on this Earth Day (2014), let’s join hands to create sustainable communities around us for preserving the planet Earth from further environmental destructions.
Open Grant Opportunities for Environmental Issues
Following is a list of grants currently open for addressing various environmental issues:
Download our Free PDF on “Funding for Climate Change and Environment”
To celebrate the Earth Day, FundsforNGOs is offering a free resource guide on “Funding for Climate Change and Environment” for its readers. The guide offers information about the relevance of climate change for NGOs and how and where NGOs can find funding for these issues including a quick list of donor agencies offering grants on climate change and environmental issues. Click here to download your copy now!

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