Kevin Rudd has entered the debate about Scotland's future by suggesting the country's strong sense of identity is enhanced by being part of the UK.
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has used an address at Oxford University to suggest Scotland's push for independence is flawed because it benefits from being part of the United Kingdom.
Speaking to 300 students at the prestigious Oxford Union, the ex-politician began proceedings by declaring it was good to be back in the United Kingdom "so long as it remains united".
"Scotland enormously enhances Britain's global personality," he said on Saturday night.
"But equally, in terms of Scotland's already strong personality, frankly, it is enhanced further by where it is in the union."
The former Labor leader implored those voting in September to think wisely and clearly "and resolve, instead, in fact, Scotland is better placed where it is".
Mr Rudd jokingly asked students to imagine an independent Scotland where haggis was served at official state banquets.
"It would become a culinary assault on all tastebuds."
The Queenslander's wife, Therese Rein, has Scottish forebears.
Scotland will in September hold a referendum on its future that could result in the breaking up of the 300-year union with the United Kingdom.
Pop veteran David Bowie recently used his Brit award acceptance speech - which was delivered by supermodel Kate Moss - to say "Scotland stay with us".
The two largest political parties in Britain say, if Scotland votes to leave the union, it won't be able to keep the pound as its currency.
European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso has said it would be "difficult, if not impossible" for an independent Scotland to join the European Union.
But Scottish politicians argue MPs in London shouldn't determine how Scots live their lives.
Source: AAP
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