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Friday, February 28, 2014

European Parliament condemns use of U.S. drones

The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution Thursday that prohibits the use of drones against U.S. civilians in countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Uganda.

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / Telesur / The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution Thursday that prohibits the use of drones against U.S. civilians in countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Uganda.

Considering "a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations.

"Resolution passed by an absolute majority -534 votes for and 49 against, calls on the Council and its states parties "categorically prohibit the drone operations that are intended to assassinations , and reject prevent extrajudicial executions and work for international prohibition of combat drones.

"According to the text, drone attacks by a State in the territory of another, without the consent of the latter, "are a violation of international law, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.

"In addition, the resolution calls on the European Union and its Member States' commitment to that in case of unlawful killings, action is taken against the culprits and identified the culprits be punished. "; 

Similarly, parliamentarians consider the use of deadly force with drones "implies an intensification of the arms race", why reject any funding to date or future research aimed at this type of military projects. 

Finally, the President to forward the legislative resolution to the Council, the parliaments of the Member States, the General Assembly of the UN and the European Commission is responsible drone attacks U.S. military began during the time of former President George W. Bush (2000-2008) and intensified during the administration of his successor, Barack Obama. U.S. has launched numerous drone attacks, leaving countless victims. Although claims that its main objectives are "terrorist factions", official sources in the affected countries reported that most of the victims are civilians

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