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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Horn Of Africa Polio Outbreak Now At 207 As Somalia And Ethiopia Report New Cases

Horn of Africa
Public domain image/ Lexicon at the English Wikipedia project

Things have been quiet in the countries of the Horn of Africa as far as the polio outbreak, with no news reported cases for some time, until now.
Both Ethiopia and Somalia have recorded two additional wild poliovirus 1 (WPV 1) cases a piece, bringing the outbreak total to 207 (185 from Somalia, 14 from Kenya and eight from Ethiopia).
According to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), two new WPV1 cases in Ethiopia were reported in the past week. Both cases had onset of paralysis on 21 October and were reported from Warder district, Somali region.
In Somalia, two new WPV1 cases were reported in the past week. One from Bossaso district, Bari region and one from Bardera district, Gedo region (the most recent case, which had onset of paralysis on 26 November).
The three remaining polio endemic countries all reported new WPV 1 cases during the past week.
In Afghanistan, the most recent WPV1 case had onset of paralysis on 20 December from Watapur, Kunar province.
In Nigeria, two new WPV cases were reported this week – one from Damboa, Borno and one from Kura, Kano.
And in Pakistan, the hardest hit country in 2013, Six new WPV1 cases were reported in the past week. Four from North Waziristan, FATA; one from Khyber, FATA; and one from Karachi Baldia, Sindh.
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