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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SOMALIA: Bashir Isse appointed as the new Central Bank Governor

Mogadishu - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has appointed Bashir Isse as the new Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia [CBS] following the resignation of the former Governor Yusur Abrar who has acted as the Governor only in three weeks, RBC Radio reports.

The nomination of Bashir Isse came a day after ambassadors from the donor governments visited Mogadishu and discusses with the president.  The visit focused on the need for leadership for the Central Bank of Somalia ahead of releasing more than two billion dollars to the new government of Somalia.

According to presidential sources, Bashir Isse will act as the new interim governor for the bank in order to accelerate the work of the bank as the biggest national institution responsible for the financial and banking services as well as monetary policy.

Mr Isse who is a veteran Somali banker has been the former governor of the Central Bank during the Transitional Government of Somalia.

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