Friday, August 23, 2013


By Haseeb Haider

The Central Bank of the UAE has asked banks and financial institutions in the country to immediately search and freeze any accounts, deposits or investments owned by branches and leaders of Somalia’s Al Shabaab militia.

The Central Bank’s action came in line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1844 (2008) and subsequent resolutions, which call for stern action against the militant group.

In a letter dated August 21, the head of money laundering and suspicious cases unit at the Central Bank issued instructions through letter No. 234/2013 to all financial institutions to “immediately search for and freeze any accounts or deposits or investments and inform us of any credit facilities or safe deposit boxes”.

Al Shabaab group, which operates out of Somalia, has engaged in acts that directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security or stability of not only Somalia but the whole region, according to the United Nations.

The group has carried out dozens of attacks on the government forces and civilians.

The insurgent group is alleged to be extorting money from private companies and recruiting young people, including children, as soldiers to join the fight against the government in Mogadishu.

Al Shabaab has confirmed the presence of foreign fighters within its ranks and has stated openly that it is working with Al Qaeda in Mogadishu to remove the Government of Somalia, according to the UN.

The foreign fighters, many of whom reportedly originate from Pakistan and Afghanistan, appear to be well-trained and battle-tested, it said.

Al Shahaab also has obstructed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Somalia, creating severe hardship for the people.

The Central Bank, following the UN Security Council resolution, has issued a list of 13 leaders and activists of the militia who are responsible for masterminding its activities.

The 13 officials include a Somali/Swedish national, while rest of them are Somali citizens.

The list includes Yasin Ali Baynah, who has Swedish nationality also. Baynah has incited attacks against the Transitional Federal Government and the African Union Mission in Somalia.

The others whose bank assets have been frozen or ordered to be frozen are Al Shabaab Malaysia; Hasan Dahir Aweys; Hasan Abdullah Hersi Al Turki; Ahmed Abdi Aw-Mohammed; Faud Mohammed Khalaf, Mohammed Said; Bashir Mohammed Mahamoud; Hasan Mahat Omar, who has Ethiopian nationality; Omar Hammami; Ali Ahmed Nur Jim’ale; Abu Baker Shariff Ahmed; and Aboud Rogo Mohammed.

Source: Khaleej Times

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