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Monday, August 19, 2013

Somalia: Corruption Scandals in Somali's Ministry of Defense

Mogadishu - increased bribery and misappropriation of funds is causing all sorts of problems in Somalia's defense ministry which has been allocated the largest amount of resources by the federal government.

Top military officials who talked to Shabelle on condition of anonymity said that top government officials were involved in corruption scandals that have halted security in many parts of the country.
Senior government officials were involved in the scandals including the office of the ministry which has been assigned to restore Security in the fragile state.

"According to the contract we signed, we are supposed to be paid USD 175 per month but we have not received anything from the government for 4 to 5 months" said one official.

"We only received USD 250 after a long period of serving the government and the ministry of defense has not explained why" continued the official.

Other officials who testified told Shabelle radio station that food staffs meant for the troops has been corrupted by high ranking officials in the government along with aid meant for government soldiers who lost the lives or got injured while in the line of duty.

The soldiers who work under risky conditions have been denied their rights by the same people who they protect.

This surely defines the corrupt government who have been criticized by man

Source: Shabelle Media Network

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