Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Jewish Disease

If the Jewish condition is not genetic, what exactly is it that makes the Jews so obnoxious, 2000 years ago no different from today?

Written by Rebel of Oz

One of the puzzles of Jewish history is the consistency of the unflattering perception of the Jews. It is not like ‘anti-Semitism’ only came into existence in the Middle Ages as the result of Christian resentment for the killing of Jesus. In reality, ‘anti-Semitism’ has been around for as long as there have been Jews. The first documented case was their expulsion from Egypt.

I’m using the term Jews loosely here since I’m fully aware that there is not much of a genetic link between the ancient inhabitants of Judea and Samaria and today's Jews. Contrary to what the Zionists are trying to tell us, Jews are not a tribe or a people, they are more like a culture or tradition, and a supremacist state of mind.

Judaism used to be a temple religion centred around the ancient Jerusalem temple, not a tribal religion, as the Torah falsely claims. The inhabitants of Judea and Samaria adhered to numerous religions, such as Baal and Hercules, not just Judaism, and not all followers of Judaism were citizens of those two ‘Jewish’ provinces.

The way I define the term Jew is as someone who subscribes to the teachings of Judaism or has been raised in its cultural tradition. It’s no different from me calling myself a Catholic, not because I subscribe to any Catholic teachings, but because I was raised in its values and traditions.

What amazes me about the Jews is how they have been consistently attracting the same kind of criticism. The unflattering comments of a Tacitus or a Cicero aren’t all that different from those of a 19th century ‘anti-Semite’ or a 20th century National Socialist.

The reason why this is amazing is that modern and ancient Jews are not genetically the same people, so we are not talking about a common genetic flaw. The only link between ancient and modern Jews is cultural, apart from the imported ‘Cohens’ or temple guards, basically Jewry's racial elite.

If there is no genetic link between them, how can it be that the complaints against the Jews are so consistent? If their condition is not genetic, what exactly is it that makes the Jews so obnoxious, 2000 years ago no different from today?

I suspect it's got to do with their mindset, an attitude problem. In Australia we have this thing called 'tall poppy syndrome'. Everyone who thinks he's better than the rest of us gets merciless cut down to size. While in today's Jew-dominated world, the Australian tall poppy syndrome is frowned upon, considered a form of bullying, in practice it's still alive and kicking. You can ask any school teacher about this one.

The 'tall poppy syndrome' doesn't just exist in Australia. It's human nature and exists in most cultures, except maybe the Chinese, where being a teacher's pet and bragging is part and parcel of the competitive backstabbing culture. That's probably why the Jews get along so well with the Chinese. Not only do they make better slaves than the recalcitrant White people, they aren't really all that different from the obnoxious Jews.

I reckon it's the Jewish 'chosenness' that makes them so disgusting. You look at them and you can tell how they are full of themselves, but really they are just full of shit; excuse my French. They tell everyone - and pay people to repeat after them - how they are so much more intelligent than all the rest of us, but in reality they are just more skilled crooks. Nothing to be proud of.

What ancient writers like Tacitus and Cicero complained about was the Jewish dodginess and immorality. That's exactly the same as modern 'anti-Semites'. The only difference between then and now is that the Romans were in a position to give them the adequate treatment. It's just unfortunate - and a lesson for the future - that destroying their temple and making them work hard for a change - like making them build the Roman Colosseum- wasn't sufficient to destroy their evil ways.

Rcommended Reading:
Douglas Reed: Controversy of Zion (1956)
Eustace Mullins: The Curse of Canaan|
Israel Shahak: Jewish History, Jewish Religion (1994)

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Source: therebel.org

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